It is in my opinion that the information about our genetic - TopicsExpress


It is in my opinion that the information about our genetic heritage and relationship with the reptilian alien beings that live on our planet was shared with Mr. Sagan as a gift for his expected continued secrecy and servitude to certain authorities within the federal government. Accompanying this gift of truth, I believe, was a promise of increased fame and fortune in return for his performing the duties of disinformation in regards to the flying saucer phenomenon this is why he has continually ridiculed anything that even hints of extraterrestrial contact. As long as he plays their game of information management, he will be allowed to release certain information in a very unobtrusive and cryptic fashion. All this, of course, was done under the watchful eyes of his superiors. Evidence of a portion of this leak is written within the pages of his book The Dragons of Eden in which speculates upon the evolution of human intelligence. In Mr. Sagan’s aptly named book The Dragons of Eden, it is emphasized that in our search for the evolution of human intelligence, it is extremely important that we do not ignore the most ancient part of the human brain upon which all other segments are but additions. According to the neuroanatomist Paul MacLean, that ancient area of the triune brain, is driven by another prehistoric region that some neuroanatomist call the R-Complex or the Reptilian-Complex. It is called the R-Complex because we share this particular structure of the brain with reptiles. Mr. Sagan carefully points out the fact that the human brain develops from the inside out, building itself atop the brain stem and in order of evolutionary sequence. First, the neural chassis, which regulates the heart, blood and respiration, is grown. After this has occurred, the R-complex, the area of the brain that is thought to house the most primordial intelligence, is developed. The limbic system and neocortex are later additions to this central core. MacLean also states that the R-complex plays an important role in the aggressive behavior, territoriality, ritualism and establishment of social hierarchies. (which, by the way, are behavioral and social qualities that are frequently expressed by reptilian beings during abductions and contacts) Much or our own behavior as human beings is ruled by this archaic region of the brain, and as Mr. Sagan himself so eloquently phrases it . . . It does no good whatsoever to ignore the reptilian component of human nature, particularly our ritualistic and hierarchical behavior. On the contrary, the model may help us understand what human beings are all about. Throughout The Dragons of Eden, one can find other subtle hints as to his true knowledge of our genetic connection with the reptilian beings that have played an important role in our species existence. He mentions how much of our behavior is even expressed in reptilian terms, such as cold blooded killer and that the common human sounds commanding silence or attracting attention being that of hissing snakes. These and other clues pervade his book right down to the M.C. Escher illustration of two reptilian iguanas floating in a three-dimensional Star of David in space. Along with the fact that the pheromone of women and female iguanas are a chemical match (Omni, May 94), here lie the reasons why the reptilian beings are so interested in our genetic evolution. We are more physically and mentally connected to reptiles than previously understood, so their interest in us is justified when one realizes that we may be, as myth and legends have related, actual reptilian genetic offspring. This connection may now allow one to understand why the abductions and clinical experimentation on humans beings are being carried out by the elusive reptilian race. It may also be because some things never change, even since the days of Eden. I cannot, however, complete this discussion about Carl Sagan without quoting a passage from his book for it truly brings forth that which Mr. Sagan has tried to hide between the lines. G.K. Chesterton once wrote: You can free things from alien or accidental laws, but not from the laws of their own nature . . . Do not go about . . . encouraging triangles to break out of the prison of their three sides. If a triangle breaks out of its three sides, its life comes to a lamentable end. (By the way, I find it somewhat bewildering that someone who understands the reptilian part of the brain so well is named Sagan, because his name spelled backwards is that of the mystical east Indian reptilian Gods, the-NAGAS!) reptoids/Vault/ArticleClassics/1994RepHuConn.htm
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 04:53:36 +0000

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