It is such a teachable moment about government, the relationship - TopicsExpress


It is such a teachable moment about government, the relationship that citizens have to and with government. Its a lesson about how liberals do things and why, and why there will not be an apology from them. de Blasio is saying, Hey, better safe than sorry. They can never make a mistake. They never screw up. Its everybody else that screws up and has to apologize. BREAK TRANSCRIPT RUSH: By no means is it the first time theyve blown the severity of either a hurricane forecast or a thunderstorm forecast, now a winter storm forecast. I knew when they started naming these winter storms it was all over. And, you know, Ive often said that when you talk about either the event or the movie Selma, you cant just say Selma. You have to say Seeelma. You have to put in a tinge of sadness. Its getting to the point where you have to talk about Katrina that way. Kaaatrina. Cause it was such an utterly devastating and disastrous thing for some people. But theres so much involved here, the relationship of citizens to their government. You know, theres three kinds of people. There are wolves, and they prey on you. There are sheep, they allow themselves to be preyed on. They think the wolfs the greatest guy in the world as long as the wolf leaves em alone. Then theres the sheepdog, and the sheepdog keeps the wolf away from the sheep. The sheepdog can oftentimes end up being hated and despised by the sheep, because the sheepdog is asking the sheep to get with it and understand the threat posed by the wolf. Most of the sheep say, Screw you, sheepdog, leave me the hell alone. Go bug somebody else. Well, a sniper is a sheepdog, for example. I am a sheepdog. The people that buy into all this stupid disaster crisis forecast from government and think governments part of the community, theyre sheep. Governments the wolf. Its not part of the community, if you want to look at it that way. Somebody, I cant remember who had that analogy, but I liked it. I ran across it yesterday. If I think who it was I will, of course, properly credit them. Its not mine, but its really a good analogy, cause everybody understands sheep, everybody understands wolves, everybody understands sheepdogs. The sheepdog even looks like a sheep, to fool the wolf. I know; Ive got three of em. And boy, you had better be on their good side, I am telling you. (laughing) BREAK TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Yeah, it was the father in American Sniper who had the wolves, sheep, and sheepdogs analogy, and its right on. It is an excellent, excellent analogy. Okay. Its not the first time this has happened. Thats why I reserved yesterday the right to believe that this snowstorm was not gonna be anywhere near what they were saying it was gonna be in New York City, because its happened before. In fact, almost every major storm in recent years, be it a hurricane or a thunderstorm or a winter storm -- theyre all oversold. They are all over-predicted. And theyre over-predicted from the standpoint of crisis. They are over-predicted by people... The underwriting, the umbrella thing here that everything falls underneath, liberalism has corrupted. People who are liberals are now at the National Weather Service, and they cant separate their liberalism from the job. So theyre nannies, and they think most people are incompetent, unable to take care of themselves. Not competent, capable to make reasonable, correct judgments when they hear information. So they have to be babied; they have to be steered and so forth. Liberals also love crisis. They love crisis and chaos. Crisis and chaos afford liberals yet another opportunity to exert control over people, over the sheep. Crisis and chaos are made to order. Youll note that nary a storm goes by that isnt predicted, and isnt also related to man-made global warming. Youve got people out there saying that this major ice and snowstorm has been brought about by global warming, and they apparently have no irony whatsoever that theyre blaming global warming for massive winter storms. We got more snow, we got more winter storms happening in this country -- the years are not getting warmer -- and yet they continue to hit everybody with global warming! You might say, Why do so many people buy into it, Rush? Why do so many believe it? Because there are a lot of sheep. Government has had an amazing transformation in our lives. Governments now part of the community. Its perceived to be part of the community, and its not. Government never can be. It just isnt part of the community. But its seen that way. Government is seen as the referee. Governments seen as the place where you go to get fairness. Governments seen as the place where you go to get protected. Governments seen as the place you go to get food or whatever. Even though if thats what youre depending on, I guarantee your life is shrouded in misery. Its just one of these quirks of human nature. So you have this massive forecast, and it cant just be a big snowstorm. Its got to be historic. Before the first flake falls, its gonna be historic. You have a dangerously Looney Toon, liberal mayor who literally made it sound as though a number of people may not survive this. Its going to be that bad! Get off the streets by nine oclock! So the streets were slow down. Airlines canceled flights. Hotels canceled room service. Some hotels closed down. Businesses shut down. And there are the Drive-Bys standing in Times Square ten oclock last night, an hour after curfew, and you cant even see any snow falling. And there go the snowplows plowing concrete, plowing asphalt. Im watching this last night, and Im just shaking my head. And the reporters, theyre doing their jobs. Theyre waiting for this massive snowfall. Its been forecast. The government says so! It must be coming. But it never came, not in the city. END
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 20:40:58 +0000

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