It is very important that we participate in the process of voting - TopicsExpress


It is very important that we participate in the process of voting in this country. In these times of cutbacks or more accurately cut outs we need to support our children by trying to elect the most fiscally responsible person (s) that we can. We need to elect people that will place the needs of this country before their salaries, cronyism or any other personal interest. A person that runs for or holds an elected office should instead consider the quality of life and how it will affect not a few but every citizen of the United States. People that hold a congressional office should be willing to put their differences aside, agree to disagree and do what is best for their constituents. Voter’s rights are so much more than what it seems. It affects the tax rate in your city or state. It also affects the prices of real estate in your neighborhood, which in turn affects the type of stores that would invest there. It is safe to say that the people we choose to represent us will inevitably change our quality of life in one way or another. On the issue of healthcare, a battle that has been fought for several years it seems that we are finally making some headway thanks to President Obama and many others. I’m not saying that we don’t have a long way to go, because clearly, there is a need for many things all over the country. However, what I am saying is that it all starts with diligence and persistence which will makes things happen. Voting is a good example of how we the American people can make a huge difference in the shape of our country. Always remember that countless Americans loss their lives so that we could be afforded the right to vote. It is my hope that people will exercise that right in registering to vote and become involved in their future. Here is a telephone number (888) 775-3148 where you will be connected to your congressional office. Please call and give you view on the shutdown of federal workers and the impact that it has on you or other family members. In addition, you may comment on what you think about the Obama Care Plan. Let’s all pray and stand by one another whether or not this shut down affects your agency or some other. Remember we can make it through anything if we come together. In the meantime the Union is in the process of trying to obtain the telephone number to the White house and will keep posted as we progress.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 00:45:00 +0000

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