It should be repealed, because it is in its making wrong. It is a - TopicsExpress


It should be repealed, because it is in its making wrong. It is a mandate, not an opportunity. Worse than that, its a mandate with a huge loophole. Does the Obama family have to depend on Obama Care? No You and I pay for their healthcare. Do senators and their family depend on Obama Care? No You and I pay for their healthcare. Do congressmen, and their family depend on Obama Care? No You and I pay for their healthcare. Do you think the members of the supreme court, and their family have to depend on Obama Care? No You and I pay for their healthcare. Socialists by their very nature, are selfish. They claim to be givers, while what they really are, is takers. Have you ever noticed that those who support Obama Care in words, are the ones who dont have to support it in dollars. If you are on the take, support it, if you are footing the bill, demand it be repealed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. If healthcare costs, are beyond the individuals capability to pay for, it is because we have allowed the bill to be paid by others. You dont bring down the price of something by throwing dollars at it, you bring down the price, by starving it of dollars. As long as the dollars are available, the price will go up. That is true of every market, including healthcare. You want me to believe in socialism, try this. When every socialist leaders, and all their supporters, lay down everything they own, all their benefits, and Im talking down to the penny, on the table, and say take it and distribute it equally among all, and Ill live on my equal share. Socialism has been and always will be a lie, because its leaders, always think they should have more than the followers. You hear the socialist leaders, wanting to increase the minimum wage. Why? To snare you into voting for them. If they practiced what they preached, there would be no minimum wage, every person would get paid the same, including them. Non Union workers, would get the same pay, and benefits as Union workers. The Union workers pay the dues, and the non Union workers get an equal shake. Kind of like the working class, paying for those that refuse to work. Kind of like those that dont have healthcare, expecting someone else to provide it. Isnt forced equality so much better than equal opportunity. Forced equality, allows me to do nothing, enter you country illegally, and end up equal to those who worked their asses off to get there. I can burn your flag, I can disrespect your traditions, mock your constitution, break your laws, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Isnt socialism great. Let me know when you are ready for it. Make sure you work plenty of over time, because Im going to be on the take, and I want to live well off your efforts. Sorry I was wrong for that, under Socialism, working extra hours pays the same, as not working at all. Just think, Obama, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey , and myself, all making the same money, driving the same car, getting equal protection from the secret service, equal retirement plans, Obama Care, and all thanks to all of you who get up and go to work every day.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 03:13:56 +0000

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