It was a Tuesday. I was just starting my career as a - TopicsExpress


It was a Tuesday. I was just starting my career as a journalist, working a night shift at the ABC station in Des Moines, Iowa. My mom called early in the morning and woke me up. Turn on the TV, she said. We have been attacked. In disbelief I questioned her. She always was a tad bit dramatic. Im sure it was just an accident, I fired back annoyed I had been woken up so early. Reluctantly I turned on the television in time to see the second tower hit. I woke up my roommate Lynsay Clutter Wilson, also a reporter. We watched in disbelief for about 20 minutes. It was still hours before our shift started but we turned to each other and said, We need to go in to work. I was too young to understand what began that day. I was too inexperienced to know the stories and moments that were in front of me. Not only the victims of 9/11 but the thousands who have lost loved ones since fighting the war on terror. I have held too many hands of those forced to say goodbye. I have seen enough flag draped caskets to last me five lifetimes. Three volleys fired, a 21 gun salute, and the faint sound of taps in the distance are sounds forever etched in my mind. 9/11 wasnt ONE day. It has been 13 years or pain, sorrow, and sacrifice. But it has also been a time of pride! Despite the loss of so many, the true heros of this nation are clear. The young men and woman who choose to fight for me. They chose to fight for you. They chose to put their life on the line in the name of this country. They fight for the freedom we call America! And even on their darkest day, the loved ones of those heros recognize that sacrifice. And through their tears Ive heard it said more times than I wish were needed He died for us. So today I remember not only the violence, but the patriotism. The actions of those who chose to fight in the military, or in their neighborhood. We are one nation, under God. And only through adversity will we rise. 13 years later, I remember. But honestly, I never forgot. It was a Tuesday.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 15:33:04 +0000

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