It was a beautiful day in Wickenburg, Ariz., on Saturday for the - TopicsExpress


It was a beautiful day in Wickenburg, Ariz., on Saturday for the annual Home Tour Event. Story Monster and I got to sign books alongside legendary Arizona journalist and author Jana Bommersbach at a booth sponsored by the Desert Caballeros Western Museum, Arizonas Most Western Museum! Jana was signing her brand new historical novel, Cattle Kate, published by Poisoned Pen Press. She also signed lots of copies of A Squirrels Story, her first picture book for young readers published last year by Five Star Publications. I had the pleasure of showing off and signing my brand new Gator, Gator, Second Grader, as well as lots of my other picture book titles published by Bobolink Media and by Five Star. Every young reader who visited our booth got a free signed copy of Story Monster and Friends courtesy of the Story Monster! Thank you Marilu Rix and all the fine folks from Wickenburg. A fun day, indeed!
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 18:42:50 +0000

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