It was a warm spring evening . Passed another empty hour and - TopicsExpress


It was a warm spring evening . Passed another empty hour and handsome vampire with large green eyes and a thick mop of dark blond hair seemed at all, do not worry . The man was walking alone in the quietest recesses of Mystic Falls , trying to relax and think about a few things . He was glad that his relationship with Elena Gilbert so quickly returned to normal. He loved her , I guess. Be that as it may , I still feel that it is very important, and it fully enough. But something , or rather someone , is still bothered him . It was his brother , Damon . It has long been in love with Elena , and since when, under his absence stole her kiss , vampire more and more the impression that his beloved or not he is indifferent. No matter - he said aloud , as if wanted to chase away from each other these unpleasant thoughts. Suddenly something caught his attention. He heard murmur , which meant that it was not the only person seeking respite this Spring evening. For a second man over the thought that perhaps this However, some innocent , wild animal that hanging around the area. But a moment later he realized that he did not hear the characteristic heartbeat and pulse. With the passage of moments he felt someones presence more clearly , and a moment later he was already quite sure it must be a vampire . Someone the same as him. - Hello Stefano - heard the melodious and velvety voice then trailed off, realized how well it does. - Callie , how is this possible? - Asked inquisitive , turning toward which had reached him through . - Finally - she whispered , then rushed him straight in the shoulders. Stefano became paralyzed , and his eyes were open wide as never before. Callie .. long ago forgotten about the cascade of shiny auburn of flirty hair and emerald eyes. It has long forgotten that his old love ever existed . Now clearly felt his memories alive . - I survived , but it bordered on the miraculous. I was lucky that I have thrown water on the shore enough quickly and he found me a man , a stranger . A bit of your blood, which I had a chance to give the rescuing me , enough so that I can then drink the blood of a stranger and complete transformation - explained . On the face of Stefano still depicted astonishment . - But how is that possible? After all, its been almost one hundred and fifty years , and besides, Lexi told me , she did literally everything that you save and failed - the vampire asked hundreds questions , trying to comprehend a little situation in which he found himself. Callie s eyes lit some mischievous spark - Apparently, she was wrong . I spent a lot of years underground, regenerating and relaxing . I woke a few months ago and it took me a little locate you. This twenty-first century is still quite new for me , but definitely alien to him Tame .. Do not you glad Stefano ? - Asked enthusiastically , and the vampire shuddered and deliberately looked away. How could he explain to her that something connects him with another woman ao forgotten her many years ago ? or that living together under one of his vampire brother, who once ended her earthly life ? It was all too difficult. - Of course I m happy - took a ragged breath , and the woman put her hand on his chest , as if she wanted to feel his heartbeat . The excitement that a moment ago you could see in her eyes , gave place to tenderness. - But my life now looks a little different than when you met - he added , barely found it courage. - Otherwise, that is, how? - She asked , taking his hand from his chest. Her face was still mild, but it was rather a good look for a bad game . - You know, there is someone in my life, a woman . And my relationship with Damon, are quite good .. - muttered the man , a vampire took only a little puzzled expression on his face , because I really really did not want to show how extremely surprised and hurt her what a moment before she heard from his mouth. After a moment, but her eyes blazed furiously , and the vampire was surprised watched as anger filled her tiny body . Ive never seen such Callie . Yes, when you had could be hard and firm , but never spoke of its hatred . It was simply too good. - Damon personally take care of at the earliest opportunity - she said , biting her lip. Stefano felt stabbing him chills . - Do not . I know that it caused both you and us great harm , but that time has passed quite a few years and no one should come back to this topic. He is now a different, better - Vampyre tried to somehow appease Callie , but in fact perfectly understood it , because at that moment he had before the eyes of his psychopathic brother years ago , unscrupulous receiving the life of an innocent fact, he just was . - I m not interested - she said coldly in response , and then disappeared into the darkness.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 13:10:44 +0000

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