Its 2 in the morning. What a great time to tell about my scary - TopicsExpress


Its 2 in the morning. What a great time to tell about my scary story. I was in a car accident in August of 97 right after i graduated. It was about the time when princess Diana was being buried from her car accident. Christopher Fruehwirth was off at Ball State and we were still living on Teresa st. At the physical therapy place ( i think its right across the street from my high school) I had to listen to that Elton John song dedicated to her EVERY day while I was in the therapy pool, unable to change the station. Well, unable to sleep at night because I was on SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much vicodin, the only thing on basic tv at midnight was I Love Lucy. One night I was watching my show in my lazyboy chair my mom got for me and I heard the sliding glass door open and close which was right behind me about 12 ft way. Then I heard rustling in the kitchen. I got up as quickly as I could but then I was tackled to the ground by someone....or something. I look up and see in the tv light staring back at me was me. All of the sudden I wake up, grab my crutches, and bolt to my bedroom to go back to sleep. I had a waterbed and a broken pelvic bone. You can do the math. Im only saying this because I watched the conjuring this weekend and that story reflects mine. When I was in college I made a physical representation of this incident. Dustin Clark and Katie Lindsey might remember this thing laying outside the sculpture room in the art building. I took a picture of it before the cleaning lady destroyed it. The only thing I still have of this piece are the faces. If you want to see the picture I have it posted on here. The pic is titled the blue devil inside me. It wants my soul. I think its going to
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 09:49:29 +0000

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