Its 3 am and for the first time since June 23rd when Kevin went to - TopicsExpress


Its 3 am and for the first time since June 23rd when Kevin went to be with Jesus, my mind is full of words and I cant sleep. When Kevin went home, I found myself empty and every time I sat down to write, nothing came. This morning, I have words and a song in my mind and my heart!!! September 1 will be the anniversary of Robs accident and the beginning of a year that has been one of the hardest I have ever lived through. Even now, the tear bucket can overflow at a thought or a word and there are days I wonder if I will get through. We have had and continue to have opportunities to trust the Father who has had to carry us much of this year. Ive decided I am a very weak person and need Him so much more than I ever have. I am not strong!!! In my weakness, His strength has shown through. though. I can truthfully say, It isnt me, its HIM!!! HE is the reason I am still here, He is the reason I can wake each day. He is the reason I havent and cant give up. I have wanted to, I can assure you! Some days, Im not sure Ill survive. And then, in the midst of the watery crying out to the Father, He reminds me that He is here and He still has a plan for me, for my family and for those He wants our lives to impact.. He hasnt taken His eyes off of us, not once, even when we have taken our eyes off of Him. He has shown Himself in the little things we take for granted, like the sky. Just this evening He showed me His majesty in the sunset! One of the most beautiful I have ever seen. He shows Himself in the toothless smile of a baby, the faces of my grandchildren and in the age creases of the old mans face who lives down stairs. He shows Himself in the flower on the vine or the fragrance in the air. He shows Himself in the words of a song or the voice of a friend or perhaps even the conversation overheard in public places. Then He shows Himself in big stuff, like the earthly healing of my husband or in the heavenly healing and home going of my son in love. My tears are flowing now!!!! I am so blessed. HE OVERCAME my weaknesses! The attached song (please take a few minutes to listen) really says what I am trying to say. He is worthy to carry all our troubles and all that life has to throw at us. None are exempt. You may not be struggling with anything now, but if you live long enough, you will. Are you going to have the strength of the Father to carry you? If not, I am here and would love to share how you can be strong in times of crisis. Praying for you!!! In the last few days, I have heard the following verse over and over in my mind. So glad its not all up to me and that my weakness is something to be thankful for. It reminds me that its not about me, but about Him and with Him I have all the strength I need. Corinthians 12:9 NIV But he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christs power may rest on me. From my heart to yours Blessings An update! Rob is doing well and is staying with Cheryl and the kids to help with the farm. He is singing and testifying of what the Father has done, as he has opportunity. He is also checking on his mom, whose Alzheimer;s is rapidly stealing her from him. Cheryl and the kids are doing well and are thankful Kevin isnt hurting anymore. And, they have hope. As Tyler says, I get to see Daddy again! When asked how he knew he would, he said, Cause when Jesus comes back to get me, hes bringing daddy, so Ill see him again. Truthfully, I have loved listening to the talk of the little ones as they have discussed it all. So thankful that the hope of Jesus is in every one of those conversations!!!! To God be the Glory!!! https://youtube/watch?v=FqXZD_z3eCc
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 08:13:48 +0000

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