Its 5:00 in the morning and I just woke up from a vision. I say - TopicsExpress


Its 5:00 in the morning and I just woke up from a vision. I say vision and not a dream...cause there is a message for Gods people. In that vision, I was in the church house and I was about to speak, but the enemy was trying to attack me. And, the people were trying to praise God... but all over the church confusion began to break out. People started arguing with each other. There were people gambling in the church house. The children were not paying attention.. And the pastor stood up to try to calm everything down. Two of the members ran to the pupit to tell the pastor how they felt about what was going on.. But the Pastor told them to have a seat. And He introduced me and called me to the pulpit. As I stood there.. I looked out over the congregation. All hell had broken loose in the church house. The unruly people had taken over the church and were attacking the members who were sitting there waiting to hear Gods word. And, as I searched for the sermon that I had written... God began to speak through me. He said tell my people that Im an On time God... and a shout went up.. He said tell them I may not come when they want me but Im ALWAYS on time...and people began to dance.... and a mighty praise went up... and the trouble makers began to run out of the church... And I kept on preaching.. and there was a loud noise. And I looked up... and I could see planes dropping bombs all around. Smoke was filling the air and people were running trying to get in the church... But the door was sealed up. And everyone inside the church was safe... And I kept on preaching cause God said tell my people Ill be food on their tables, clothes on their backs, and shoes.... shoes on their feet. And the people in the church kept dancing and glorfying the Lord..... Then I WOKE UP..... and my Spirit said write and tell my people what you saw... I will recall it to your memory just as it was... Dont you try to intrepret it.. but you tell them to pray and ask God to reveal it to them.. And He will speak to their hearts and He will show them this thing... Hallelujah! Praise God! Glory Hallelujah! ..... I pray... I pray... I pray we all be ready... Umm!! Jesus... Lord, help me to leave this thing alone. Cause I feel GOOD all down in my sancified soul... Hallelujah! ...Mercy Lord!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 11:43:15 +0000

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