Its Here, the RV is Happening! By Dave Schmidt, 10th March 2014 + - TopicsExpress


Its Here, the RV is Happening! By Dave Schmidt, 10th March 2014 + Zap (Re-posted) Update (05.03.14). (Posted & compiled by Rique Seraphico). Its Here, the RV is Happening! Video Link: ___________________________________ Dave Schmidt says, Its Here, the RV is Happennig. (10.03.14). Video Link: ___________________________________ Poofness ZAP Update”Blowin” In The Wind ~ March 5, 2014 Wed Mar 05, 2014. Greetings and Salutions: As the dis-information and glimmers of truth blow thru our internet winds, it certainly demands incredible discernment on all our parts. Please keep in mind as you peruse thru the reams of printed data that there is certainly a War going on for your attention and your mind. As the dimensions of thought collide we are being constantly challenged to our very core as to “What is our Truth.” We ask When Will this Finally End!! Or Perhaps When Will This Finally Begin??? Poof Said: The whole thing is so enmeshed in politics and in snarled machinations that it is not so easy to figure out who is on top of the situation and who is holding things in abeyance. There are those who are making a difference in the RV and in the Global Reset . The people who are working on this are 100% ready to get it over with and those who are against it are pushing against the manifesting blessings that so many are waiting for. The needs that are essential to be addressed are many. The funds to make a difference are huge and the obstacle course that has followed is far and away one of the most beleaguered ever known. Surely, by now you most know that the attempts have been many to successfully complete this work . I wish I had something more to say that would bring more peace and more hope to the fore front. I am quite sure all are tired of hearing the same repetitive story: It is Coming; It is on its Way; It is being Resolved. But Do Remember: The War is Being Won and We Will be Victorious. P ZAP IS SAYING: HI ALL SORRY EVERYBODY, BUT I HAD TO VERIFY ALL THE FACTS BEFORE I COULD SAY WHAT I AM GOING TO SAY NEXT. AS I EXPLAINED IN PREVIOUS MESSAGES, THE CHINESE FAMILY OPERATES ON A NUMERICAL SYSTEM FOR SIGNIFICANT EVENTS, AND SUCH EVENTS ARE TIMED TO THE 1ST OF THE 1ST MONTH, THE 2ND OF THE 2ND MONTH, THE 3RD OF THE 3RD MONTH, AND SO ON. YESTERDAY WAS THE 3RD OF THE 3RD MONTH, AND THE EVENT WAS THE RELEASE OF MANY TRILLIONS TO BEGIN THE PAYMENTS OF THE BONDS, TRADES, AND OTHER TRANSACTIONS THAT WERE WAITING FOR THE RELEASE TO CONCLUDE ONGOING PROCESSES, AND INITIATE NEW ONES. THIS RELEASE SIGNALS A GREAT STEP FORWARD FOR OUR HUMANITY IN THAT FUNDS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR THE MANY NECESSARY AND CRITICAL RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT INITIATIVES PROPONED BY MANY GROUPS AND INDIVIDUALS AROUND THE WORLD THAT CARE DEEPLY FOR THE HUMAN CONDITION, AND THE HEALTH OF OUR PLANET. THESE INITIATIVES WILL NOW ACTIVATE FULLY, AND BE FUNDED. ONE OF THE GROUPS THAT WE WORK CLOSELY WITH HAS BEEN CHARGED WITH THE MAIN INITIATIVE OF GLOBAL RECONSTRUCTION, AND THEY HAVE CREATED AN INTERNET PRESENCE TO AMALGAMATE ITS EFFORTS UNDER A COHESIVE AND EFFECTIVE STRUCTURE FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE PROJECTS. THE WEBSITE WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC RELEASE WITHIN THE NEXT TEN DAYS I WAS TOLD, AND WILL FEATURE INITIATIVES, EVENTS, FORUMS, SENATES, SECURE PAGES FOR PROJECT PARTICIPANTS, AND FUNDING REQUEST FORMS BESIDES DESCRIPTIONS OF PROJECTS, SCOPE OF EFFORTS, TECHNOLOGIES THAT WILL BE BROUGHT FORWARD, AND WHAT SECTORS WILL BE TARGETED. SERVICES WILL EXTEND TO PROJECT MANAGEMENT, TRACKING, GOVERNANCE, AND COMPLIANCE FUNCTIONS. I HAVE SEEN THE TEST WEBSITE. THE WEBSITE INFORMATION WILL BE POSTED HERE TO DIRECT ALL PROJECT INITIATIVES TO THE FUNDING SOURCE. A MAJOR WORLD TRUST IS BEHIND, AND IS PROVIDING THE FUNDINGS NECESSARY FOR THIS EFFORT. THE WELL IS DEEP. NOW THAT THE STAGE IS SET FOR ALL EVENTS TO COMPLETE LIKE THE RV, THE PPP, BOND PAYMENTS, SUCCESSFUL SHOE SALES AND THE LIKE, WE CAN LOOK FORWARD TO THE END OF THE LONG WAIT THIS MONTH. THERE IS A SPECIAL MEETING BEING HELD. AFTER THIS MEETING, THE FIRM SCHEDULE WILL BE ANNOUNCED FOR THESE EVENTS. AT THIS TIME, INSIDE CONFIRMATION OF THE TIMINGS OF THE EVENTS TELL ME THAT EVERYTHING, AND I MEAN EVERYTHING, WILL TAKE PLACE AFTER THE 15TH OF MARCH. THIS YEAR. IN THE MEANTIME, WITH THE RELEASE, SOME HISTORIC BONDS ARE BEING PAID NOW. I KNOW OF SEVERAL THAT HAVE BEEN PAID OUT, AND MANY MORE ARE SLATED TO RECEIVE. CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS INVOLVING PRIVATE PLACEMENT HAVE BEEN PAID AS WELL, AND SO HAVE SOME CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS. THESE VERIFICATIONS, SOME FIRST HAND (THE IMPORTANT ONES), AND SOME SECOND HAND, ARE TELLING AND CONFIRM THE RELEASE. THE BIGGEST ITEM FOR ME WAS THE TIMING, BUT WITH THE INFORMATION AND CONFIRMATIONS I HAVE RECEIVED, IT ALL MAKES SENSE, AND FITS. WE ARE ON OUR WAY. THE PURPLE PIGS ARE IN THE SKY AND FLYING WELL. CUTE TOO. Blessings to you good people! I live for my tidbits from the friends of Poof….. I have a question that no one I know can answer well, so I’m going to try and get it answered here! Or at least maybe you can help with my understanding…. If the changing over of the currencies and/or the GCR are going to cause social economic chaos, including the shutting down of banks, what happens to all the money in our accounts we filled at the exchange? I CUT A DEAL WITH BOB’S BANK. IT ALL COMES TO ME. ACTUALLY, NOTHING. IT JUST SITS THERE WHILE THE BANKERS TAKE ADVANTAGE AND TRADE THE CRAP OUT OF IT WHILE THEY HAVE IT OUT OF YOUR HANDS. I just read something where someone suggested to pull your money out…..something that will not be possible! PULL MONEY OUT? YES, THAT WOULD BE WISE, BUT DON’T DO A RUN ON THE BANK. YOU WILL NEED ENOUGH TO GET BY FOR THE LENGTH OF TIME THE SYSTEM IS SHUT DOWN WHILE IT CHANGES. SOME SAY A WEEK, AND SOME SAY A YEAR. COMMON SENSE HAS TO PREVAIL, AND A MONTH WOULD BE MORE THAN ENOUGH TO SEE THE SYSTEM CHANGE OVER AND THE NEW US TREASURY NOTES TO COME OUT, RIGHT?. Please tell me my investment won’t disappear in a government hole!! IT WON’T. IT WILL DISAPPEAR INTO BOB’S HOLE (SORRY, IT WAS THERE). THE GOVERNMENT, IF IT DARED TO DO SUCH A THING, WOULD PAY A DEAR PRICE INDEED, SO I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT WILL HAPPEN. THEY WERE PAID ENOUGH TO MOVE FORWARD, NOT TO STEAL MORE. Thank you for your time…. And thank you for all you do! God Bless HS THANKS. THERE ARE MANY BEHIND ME THAT DESERVE GREAT RECOGNITION, AND I WISH I COULD DO THAT FOR THEM. MAYBE IN TIME. Good Stuff: They are still saying announcements in a few days giving Americans a chance to return from the Olympics first. Said that they are taking down Bank of America which will become Washington Federal. Said that the FRN will devalue by 50%, so like a loaf of bread will go to $11 for a short while and then drop to prices in the 1950s. THAT’S ONE VIEW. HOW ABOUT: THE US TREASURY NOTE WILL BE WORTH ABOUT TWICE WHAT THE FRN IS WORTH. WILL THAT CHANGE THE LOAF OF BREAD PRICE? PEOPLE WILL STILL PAY EQUIVALENT VALUE FOR GOODS I WOULD SAY. Money in the bank will be exchanged 1 for 1. NO. I DISAGREE. THE USTN IS GOLD BACKED. THE DISCOUNT WILL BE ABOUT 45% ON THE FRN. If you need money for food, the banks will make you a loan until things change. THAT’S INTERESTING. WILL HAVE TO CHECK THAT ONE OUT. WILL THEY CHARGE COMPOUND OR SIMPLE INTEREST ON THE LOAN, AND AT WHAT RATE. WILL THE FOOD BE USED AS COLLATERAL TO SUPPORT THE LOAN IF YOUR CREDIT IS BAD? The most important thing said was “O” is on the run. He went from South America, to Australia, to Mexico, and now believe he went to Canada. They said he never thought this day would come. Remember that Zap just said about shutting down HAARP, “Maybe the next president will do it.” BofA was involved in a lot of criminal activity on behalf of the Cabal. They were one of the places that they kept the Freedom packages which were by protocol to be the first Prosperity Program delivered as arranged by Bush 41 and they kept them on the road between BOA, Treasury, White House, etc., so they could not be delivered nor could any other of the programs that were to follow. They even had Homeland Security remove them from UPS planes on the tarmac when they were to be delivered and put them on the road again. When the money was traunched in to Leo Wanta’s account at BOA for the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds, BOA sent them on to either JP Morgan or Chase where they were hidden in a secret account. When the Chinese were traunching in money for the RV, and sent money to BOA of which part was to be sent on to other banks, they refused and placed the funds in the “roll” program to make money for themselves. WHEN BANKS GET A BIG CHUNK OF MONEY, THE GUYS AT THE TOP LEVELS DROOL. THEY CAN DO MANY THINGS WITH BIG CHUNKS OF MONEY, AND YOU HIT THE NAIL. THEY GO TO TRADE QUIETLY AND MAKE A KILLING. They were involved in the fraud of the purchase of AIG. When they got the bailout moneys from the government, rather than move it to the economy making loans to businesses, they kept it for themselves. They had some honest bankers who were ready to do the right thing and had come to a meeting in New York. They were on Sully Sulenberger’s plane that ditched in the river because it was hit with a missile that was meant to kill them. They have been involved in so much of the cabal’s crimes that they deserve to be taken down. The Chinese even bought controlling interest in BOA before traunching in the RV moneys. It is now to be Washington Federal. THE NAME IS INTERESTING, BUT WHY CHANGE THE NAME OF THE BANK IS MY QUESTION. THE SIZE OF THE MARKETING, STATIONARY, AND ALL THE THINGS THAT GO INTO A NAME CHANGE IS STAGGERING. IS THERE SOMETHING THAT WRONG WITH THE BOA NAME THEY HAVE TO CHANGE IT? VERY STRANGE, AND DOES NOT MAKE THAT MUCH SENSE TO ME. WE WILL SEE I GUESS. Dear Susan and Zap, Good Morning. May you be feeling very well these days. Watching events unfold is quite fascinating. On many levels one can see and experience much change for the better. Yet, from the 3D perspective, not so much. So much of what we have been told we would see is not yet visible. As February ends there is a sense, among many, of ‘What is really going on here’?…..”How could these major changes not yet have manifested’? So….I ask: what can we do out here to help facilitate this process? Who are the individuals & groups who continue to “pause”/”delay” the process? Perhaps by identifying them – and thus shining some Light into the darkness – we can help to push this across the finish line together. Will you talk about this in the next update? Many thanks for everything. Blessings & Miracles SC REGARDLESS OF EVENTS THAT ARE TRANSPIRING, YOU MUST ALWAYS REMEMBER WHY WE ARE HERE IN 3D. WE ARE HERE FOR THE EXPERIENCE OF 3D. ONLY HERE CAN WE BREED (AND WE DO DRY RUNS ALL THE TIME), EXPERIENCE THIS FASCINATING QUALITY OF HUMANS CALLED EMOTIONS, AND LEARN STUFF. BEFORE WE COME HERE, WE MUST FORGET WHO WE REALLY ARE SO WE CAN IN FACT DO THE EXPERIENCE. IF WE REMEMBER, WE WILL NOT GET THE EXPERIENCE. SO KNOWING THAT ALL THINGS WE EXPERIENCE, FROM WAR TO JOY TO SADNESS TO BUNGEE JUMPING AND THE ADRENALINE RUSH, IS ALL MADE OF THE SAME STUFF: LOVE. HATE, FOR EXAMPLE, IS DIMINISHED LOVE. REALLY DIMINISHED, BUT IN THE END, IT IS STILL LOVE. IT CAN NOT BE OTHERWISE BY ANY LOGIC EXAMINING THIS PARADOXICAL SCRUTINY. THE EVENTS THAT GO ON AROUND US, FROM DELAYS, TO PAYOUTS, TO WONDERING WHAT THE F IS GOING ON WITH THE CABAL AND THE REST OF THE WORLD, ARE THINGS WE EXPERIENCE. THIS IS WHY ONE PERSON CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING IF THEY ARE PASSIONATE ENOUGH ABOUT IT. HISTORY HAS PROVEN THIS TIME AND AGAIN, AND BOOKS WRITTEN ABOUT SUCH PEOPLE. WE CAN CHANGE THINGS. ALWAYS. WE JUST HAVE TO CHOOSE THAT PATH AND EXPERIENCE. AT THE MOMENT, THERE ARE STRUGGLES BETWEEN THE CABAL AND THE LIGHT. THESE STRUGGLES WERE GREAT, AND NOW THEY ARE DIMINISHED AS WE COME TO THE END OF THIS PERIOD OF EXPERIENCE, AND ABOUT TO ENTER A DIFFERENT CONSCIOUSNESS MORE ATTUNED TO LOVE AND HELPING EACH OTHER RATHER THAN JOCKEYING FOR POSITION. YES, IT IS FRUSTRATING TO BE IN SOME SITUATIONS WHERE THE EMOTION OF HELPLESSNESS, ANGER, AND SIMILAR FEELINGS ABOUND, BUT IF YOU STEP BACK A BIT AWAY FROM THESE, AND SEE THE EXPERIENCE OF THESE THINGS, THEN IT BECOMES EASIER TO UNDERSTAND THE WHOLE, RATHER THAN THE TREE. THE MIRACLE HERE IS THAT WE CAN STEP BACK AND LOOK AT THE WHOLE THING AND UNDERSTAND. BY DOING SO, PERSPECTIVES AND PATHS SHIFT. WE ARE BLESSED WITH THIS ABILITY AND SHOULD TAKE MORE ADVANTAGE OF IT REALLY. I HAVE COME TO THIS REALIZATION A WHILE AGO, AND THIS ALONE ALLOWS ME TO BE STABLE IN MANY SITUATIONS RATHER THAN BLOWING A GASKET (THAT’S THE EASY WAY). IN THE END, THE DELAYS AND OTHER THINGS IMPEDING OUR PROGRESS TO PEACE AND JOY AND PROSPERITY SHALL PASS, AND THIS PERIOD OF EXPERIENCE SHALL PASS AND BECOME PART OF US AS WE EVOLVE. THE DARK SERVES THE LIGHT. IT SERVES THE LIGHT BY GIVING US THE GAMUT OF EMOTION AND POTENTIALS THAT EXIST IN THE EXPERIENCE. THIS HELPS US UNDERSTAND THE RANGE, AND CAN THEREFORE MEASURE THE TYPE, DEPTH AND BREADTH OF THE GAMUT OF EXPERIENCE WE ARE PRESENTED WITH TO DEAL WITH, AND LEARN FROM. HOPE THAT HELPS AND THAT I HAVE SHED A BIT OF UNDERSTANDING ON THIS ALL TOO FAMILIAR SCENARIO AND QUESTIONING. ZAP.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 15:22:05 +0000

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