Its Me English Club. Date: 23/10/2014 Address: To Hoang - TopicsExpress


Its Me English Club. Date: 23/10/2014 Address: To Hoang Secondary school. Topic: MUSIC. Music is considered as an integrated part of our life, it is the language of the soul with the combination of different emotions. People can hardly live without music. Many people believe that music has very positive impacts on the growth of people in all aspects like emotion, perception, society and enhancing the quality of life. Music, sometimes, helps our go back in time, to look to the future, to relieve painfulness, heals our soul, and multiplies the happiness, love connection. We cannot understand voice and script of different countries but we can enjoy, feel, being buried into melodies with only one musical note, which helps bring spiritual power, the belief in life. So, amazing! Music is also believed the culture, the uniqueness of a nation. It is no accident that musical masterpieces of Mozart or famous composers in the global are recommended to children and fetuses. Certainly music has huge impacts and undeniable benefits on people’ thinking Scientific researchers have proved that music is mainly a miracle for our soul and health. Try to imagine how will you feel when you enjoy a melodious song after an assiduous day at work or you are in troubles on psychology. You know clearly what the answer is? However, we have to take a closer look into something happened in the art-form. Many people- composers, for the sake of profit, bent one’s pen, wrote many songs with dark melodies, which darkens people’s mind. For example, a song based on the words of original one with different meaning, so- called “a fake song”. However, a series of such songs are being gone viral on the internet and young generation’s life. It is a serious concern about the listening culture of the youth. They have been degrading the value of music and make themselves feel abandoned in real life. In each of us, we have private styles of music, lets know the way to respect something consisted of spiritual values rather than darkens it so as to turn yourself!!! Questions for disscussing: 1 what kinds of music do you like? How does it affect you? 2 Now young generation seem to forget the old songs such as golden music ( nhạc vàng) or the revolution music of Viet Nam (nhạc cách mạng), tend to follow commercially-based music( nhạc thị trường). Is this good or bad? What do think a bout this phenomenon? 3 Can your group sing a beautiful song?
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 14:00:00 +0000

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