Its Time! Surprisingly, this article is from The New York - TopicsExpress


Its Time! Surprisingly, this article is from The New York Times, considered by most as the nation’s most respected liberal newspaper. nytimes/2014/11/19/nyregion/questions-about-al-sharptons-finances-accompany-his-rise-in-influence.html?_r=0 An informative article about the corruption of a top Democrat congressman from New York. How does Al Sharpton get away with not paying high rents and millions in unpaid federal and state income taxes? Read the article and consider what it exposes. Al Sharpton continues to be influential in the black community, while others, not in the community, say he is a race baiter in the ongoing lawlessness in Ferguson, Missouri, where all the police need to do is say they are armed, and looters will be shot and killed. But OH NO, the courts and the media would be highly critical of a local police department for fulfilling their duty as law enforcement officials . . . need you ask why? Because it’d be white officers shooting blacks committing more crimes. One would think president Obama, being the leader he’s touted to be, might speak up about the continuing threats of violence and continuing sometimes violent demonstrations in a small Missouri town that have dominated part of the news for months, wouldn’t one? Of course, the president has a habit of not addressing, in any meaningful way, this and other issues that face the nation, doesn’t he? It’s time for Al Sharpton and other prominent liberal leaders to be held accountable to law just as is any other member of American society.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 00:42:48 +0000

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