Its a shame that so many Americans are being lied to and - TopicsExpress


Its a shame that so many Americans are being lied to and completely duped into thinking that we must suffer, the rich must get richer off of our hard labor, and we should just be grateful we have such opportunities, when the reality is that we suck. Seriously. We rank at or near the bottom in almost all categories amongst industrialized (1st world) nations. Our middle class and working poor are shouldering the tax burden while our uberwealthy are taking their money to offshore havens and getting by with fleecing our economy. And when we say, HEY, pay your fair share! they claim were jealous and want to steal from them. We just want them to pay like the rest of us! All we need to do is look to other nations, such as Denmark, to realize that there is a better way! When the wealthy pay their fair share, when the least among us are treated humanely, when our education and healthcare are treated as basic citizens rights, everyone in the society benefits! Everyone!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:44:34 +0000

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