Its a weird place in the country where officials in government - TopicsExpress


Its a weird place in the country where officials in government jobs have hit a point of feeling so immune to reproach that theyll openly flaunt irresponsible or even child like behavior in some kind of mismanaged tantrum. In any other line of work youd be fired instantly. Work for the government? Well god damn look at Congress. I mean, who can really blame the NYPD? If the House can get away with not doing anything, but still being paid for it, why not the NYPD? Unfortunately, for those of us that are actually held accountable for our actions, we have to go to work and do our jobs every day, even if someone complains, even if our boss says something we dont like. However, thats not what actually bugs me as much as the fact that a huge number of people actually support these people anyway. Somehow its supporting our police. Ive never disrespected an Officer. Ive also never disrespected a server, or sales associate, or the dude I buy my subs from, because I think everyone in every line of work is due a level of respect, theres no special case for anyone in any field and just like anyone in any other line of work, I think its responsible to hold someone accountable when they dont do their job, or theyre doing something wrong. Here in America, though, you can sit in Congress and do absolutely nothing and get paid a quarter mil and you will be re-elected and you can be a law Officer subjectively deciding to do your job or not as some form of work place protest and people will still stand behind you because thats supporting our police. When I was working for my former Company on Tech, we had a dude working for us that behaved extremely inappropriately to some of the women in a building we were doing a remodel in. When this was brought to our attention, we didnt defend him, we didnt stand up for him. He was fired instantly, because we didnt want to be associated with that kind of behavior. We made certain that it was obvious we didnt tolerate it. Now, obviously, whats gone on in New York is not quite the same, but there is a parallel. You know, you choose the job you do and if being the person that has to respond to emergency calls, and deal with tragedy and resistance to authority all day is not something you can do with a sense of work ethic and honor, maybe you shouldnt be doing it. But holding one Officer, or a few Officers, accountable their for individual choices is not a slight against every Officer in the department, just like everyone in my company was not being disrespected when that single individual received that complaint.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 17:22:22 +0000

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