Its been a busy few months! But now the fun really begins. Next - TopicsExpress


Its been a busy few months! But now the fun really begins. Next week I begin a comprehensive revision of No Such Thing As a Bad Kid. Im pumped. So much of the new research in the child welfare arena strongly supports the strength-based techniques and strategies I and so many others teach and model. A colleague in Kentucky recently commented The research has finally caught up with you (and others who advocate this approach) Therefore, its never been more timely to get these tools out into the mainstream. And folks, I would love your assistance. If youve successfully used any of the following techniques and/or suggestions I teach...shoot me an email or reply to this post and describe what you did - and whether its okay to include your name in the NSTBK II: (If I use your anecdote, youll also get 10 free copies when its published! A good incentive has its place) Reframing, solution-focused questions, one-line raps, externalizing and naming a bad habit, repetitive quizzing (stretch) Content/message - please and thank you, I vs. We, millimeter acknowledgement, unflinching positive attitude, good acting, Observing ego - itd an injury and it will heal...lack of support leads to punitive actions, consequences vs. punishment, self esteem building by creating, modifying and presenting success opportunities, staying motivated by putting in the bricks, creative use of incentives and the medium of exchange (e.g. Billy dollars), energizing greetings (e.g. How are you? Im living the dream!, Fantastic!), trumpeting success (e.g. send postcards home when a student has excelled, posting accomplishments on walls, etc.), positive predicting and creating (future) business cards for your kids, as well as hanging diplomas with their names inscribed, affect scale, proper use of body language, inspirational metaphors (e.g. train, snowball, car, poker game, ticket), humor, helping kids to make friends (creating duos), how to avoid splitting, seeing is believing (non-contingent reinforcement), core verbal interventions (e.g. connecting statements, apologizing, sandwich approach, etc.), judging your success not by how your kids behave but by how you behave, being family friendly and starting the process with engagement, strategies for de-escalation, taking care of number one by building in more support - avoiding the Dark Side, being culturally sensitive, avoiding pejorative labels, helping kids self-manage, using the limit setting stages, etc. Thanks in advance to any of you who come forward! Hey, were all in this together!
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 16:09:59 +0000

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