Its been crazy busy in my world and Im sure you all can - TopicsExpress


Its been crazy busy in my world and Im sure you all can relate....whenever I feel like a crazed black woman...Im quick to run to one of my favorite songs. Seasons of Love always brings a smile to my face and truthfully...a tear to my eye. Im a sap. The very title helps me to remember that there are different season in life and in love. I tend to want to run from the seasons Im most uncomfortable in, rather than allow them to grow me, challenge me, and teach me. I more times than not get sick of learning lessons in life, I just want to have a good time and live everyday as a party. Reality.....I cant...just not the season Im and Ive chosen to this beautiful life. Also, there are different seasons in love.....Ive learned that being married, having children, being a child, and in friendships. Love isnt about an emotion 95% of the time...its about a choice, value, honor, its about being honest, saying sorry, being tough in love, its about sacrifice, correction, commitment, and more. I am so thankful that there are different seasons of love, they all have taught me so much. One thing Ive learned: To truly LOVE my husband. We have been married for 14 yrs and they aint been easy years. We have had a lot of things that could have easily broken us, if allowed. Emotions are strong little boogers, they have the power to take things you know to be true and leave you questioning the TRUTH. There have been times where my emotions have more of this $%#@, Im finished, I deserve to be happy, life is too short, Im sick of all the arguing and misunderstandings, and more. Dude, had I listened to my emotions...I wouldnt be celebrating 14yrs with a man I love and adore....the man I CHOSE TO MARRY. My lesson: I cant always listen to my emotions because more times than not....they are misleading. TRUTH always remains the same! I have to lean on my friends and family when Im an emotional basket case....they always have my back and always tell me the TRUTH. CHEERS to seasons of LOVE and LIFE. PUNK LOVE
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 16:29:56 +0000

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