Its called the Quiet Room, a place where we send families of - TopicsExpress


Its called the Quiet Room, a place where we send families of patients that have been critically injured, about to die, or have already deceased. My job as the Chaplain, is to go in, sometimes with the doctor, sometimes without and let the families know what is going on. 1:30 a.m. Friday morning I had to bare the news of a loved one who did not make it. The wife and daughter were in the room. I walked in with the doctor and charge nurse. The wife looked at me, looked at my badge and yelled,Hes gone!, hes gone!. I gently put my arm around her, Yes maam, I am so sorry!. The doctor explained what happened but all the while, she was muttering, Hes gone, hes gone, hes gone... She began grabbing at her chest and complaining of pain. I let the nurse know and they quickly got her to a bed in the ER. Her husband of 47 years is in A1 trauma room across from where she in now laying. The daughter is absolutely beside herself. I was trying to help her mom that I forgot she was there. I went over and she looks at me, tears streaming down her face, Would God take both of my parents in one day? Is He that cruel? Would He be so horrible of a God to do that? Well? Would He? I stopped for a moment, handed her a tissue, and said,Maam, God did not take your father, he had an appointment with death, as we all do. I do not know about your mom but she told me she was ready if it was her time to go. God in His grace and mercy has brought your mom here to possibly get help for something she didnt know was wrong? Is that cruel? What about you? Are you ready for your appointment? Her head dropped, she put her hand on mine and sofly whispered, Just pray for me... There was so much that happened that morning that I will share later. What I wanted to remind you of today is life is but a vapor (steam), it appears for a little while then its gone. Are you ready for your appointment with death? This is one appointment that you will not be early to. You will not be late to it, and there is no waiting. Never walk away from a loved one without saying how much you love them. Never leave a good friend with a cross word. Never tell someone who has hurt you that youll never forgive them. Their appointment maybe today! In fact, it could be yours! Are you ready? Have a great treasure day!
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 11:40:16 +0000

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