Its extremely disappointing that I find myself writing this and I - TopicsExpress


Its extremely disappointing that I find myself writing this and I will try to do so in the nicest way I can though I am so annoyed right now... This morning I arrived at the home of my host ready to start her demo at 11am. Yesterday arvo she had 5 people confirmed coming to her demo. She had asked them to be there at 10.50am so that we were ready to start on time and they didnt miss out on any of the amazing food that wed be making! 11am came and went and none of her guests showed...then as she tried to make contact with them all, the excuses rolled of them being that they had too much washing to do and couldnt make it. Really??!! I was so disappointed for my beautiful host...she had organised her demo around her family and had been cleaning and tidying the house for the morning excited for her guests to arrive. This was not to be so at 11.30am I packed everything up and went home. Lucky that I dont live too far away from her though many consultants travel a fair distance to and from a demo on top of their prep time. I have 3 demos this weekend and I spent close to 2 hours this morning prepping my ingredients and making sure that I had everything that I needed ready to make the experience enjoyable for everyone. Sometimes an existing customer is hosting a demo to earn their free thermoserver or qualify for another host reward. Other times, the host may be holding a demo because they are so passionate about it that they just want to show it to everyone or it could be that they have 2-3 friends who really want to see a Thermomix in action and have asked if they could come to their next demo as they arent quite ready to host their own. All I have to say is that if you are invited to a Thermomix demonstration then please be courteous and respectful of both the host and the consultant for the time and effort they are putting into the demo. There is absolutely no pressure for you to come along and buy a Thermomix! All we ask is that you spend some time with your friends, eat some delicious food and enjoy the show! If you are simply not interested or have no intention of attending then just a simple thanks but no thanks is fine. Nobody is going to hate you for being honest!! Furthermore we understand that things happen and sometimes they are out of our control but when you say you are going to be there then make up some lame excuse then thats not ok in my book. If you have read this far then thankyou - I appreciate it. Rant over as I go and repack for my next demo this afternoon! :-)
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 05:49:37 +0000

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