Its nice to set and stare up at the night sky and ponder on all - TopicsExpress


Its nice to set and stare up at the night sky and ponder on all the imagine a world where everybody is safe and fullfilling there dreams.a place where kids can play in the yards and ride there bikes in the streets and never worry if there coming home becouse someone out there is wanting to do them harm.where we all have jobs that pay us enouph to support ourselves and those we love without ever needing to reach out for help.a world at peace and leaders that want to keep it that way even if it means no monetary gains.where dreamers arent dreamers but instead are the realists.times that when people marry its for life and children only ever have two parents and that is the normal situation not the opposite.or to live on a planet that has always been governed by a truth that all its inhabitants know drom birth and it has never been tainted or utilized for power over them.i s et here and stare out into space,smoking a ciggerette and think why couldnt it be this way?and its always just one word that comes to mind,man.the dreamer isnt the is.the mind of man is corrupt.a soldier was formed out of this mind to defend other men from it or to destroy anothers.the reality is is your either a defender of one or the other.its irony really.becouse as men we can only serve one becouse there can only be one.reality has become a game it seems to those who serve themselves.which,the truth of it all is is that we dont really know who they we do not know entirley who to serve anymore.what a mess.what a cluster f#&!? should be so simple.right.....and......wrong.but its not so simple.its beautiful out tonight.stars out and clear.cold but a good bite in the air.its quiet,i can only hear one dog barking way off.but i wonder sometimes as i look up there,is there anybody looking down here right now at me too?are you listening?dont you understand how messed up this is?you know?none of us know who the good guys are why dont you let me know who im supposed to soldier for?i really want to going to bed now.catch me anytime 24/ know who i am.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 04:12:47 +0000

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