Its not a permanent END but the ending of an era and the beginning - TopicsExpress


Its not a permanent END but the ending of an era and the beginning of another. Which is happening. Being as they didnt see their own end coming, I have always had no faith that they saw our end either. It was not an end of the world, but a new age of knowledge supposedly.The Popol Vuh describes the gods first creating three failed worlds, followed by a successful fourth world in which humanity was placed. In the Maya Long Count, the previous world ended after 13 baktuns, or roughly 5,125 year. The Long Counts zero datewas set at a point in the past marking the end of the third world and the beginning of the current one, means that the fourth world reached the end of its 13th baktun, or Mayan date, on 21 December 2012. We have no record or knowledge that [the Maya] would think the world would come to an end in 2012. There will be another cycle, the Maya thought there was one before this, and there will be another one after this one. The ancient Maya predicted the world would continue – We keep looking for endings, but they thought in terms of New Beginnings. The new coming cycle supposes changes in human consciousness. This present way of thinking or knowledge would end in our present cycle of years. And then a 5th world and new thimking or new consciousness would come. Daniel 12:4.. Douay-Rheims Bible But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time appointed: many shall pass over, and knowledge shall be manifold.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 11:32:32 +0000

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