Its so easy to talk the talk of a Christian. To say we are - TopicsExpress


Its so easy to talk the talk of a Christian. To say we are burdened by the lost and the poor around the world. Its so easy to preach or listen to sermons about living a missional lifestyle and shout AMEN at the appropriate time as we nod our heads with a concerned look. Its so easy to go through the motions. But is our daily lifestyle reflective of a heart that is truly burdened by people who need Jesus? Or is it all just for show? If push came to shove, would we be willing to give up an anniversary or an exotic vacation in exchange for reaching others for Christ? It is so easy to deceive ourselves with empty words. Jesus knew some people like this, who looked the religious part, but internally they were more focused on themselves. He said to the Pharisees: “‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Matthew 15:8 Are we living our lives for ourselves, or for Jesus? Are we living selfishly or sacrificially? These are questions the Lord is using to burden me as of late. Take a look at this video by Francis Chan. What an example of sacrificial living this man and his wife are.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 14:35:42 +0000

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