Its with a huge amount of embarrassment that I have to write this - TopicsExpress


Its with a huge amount of embarrassment that I have to write this post. Everyone who knows me knows majority of my posts are about my children because thats what is important in my life. Once again I have to write something like this on Facebook due to the fact that so many people are more in tuned to this social network then their own reality. I deserve respect and privacy and I demand it immediately! I will not waste my time entertaining any messages sent to me regarding what Jay writes on his page. If I cared to know what he writes I am perfectly able of finding out myself. I will not bash him on any post no matter what he says about me. Just because we lost our son doesnt give everyone the right to pry into our lives. He may consider himself a local celebrity but I myself am not and I like my privacy. If he wants his life to always be for public viewing thats his right. For everyone that has something nasty to say about him, his past, his prior issues with woman or his kids say it to him directly dont meddle where its not your business and send it to me. Although some of the messages may be out of concern a lot of them are gossip and out of nosiness. Everyone always has something to say behind someones back but cant say it to his face regarding him and his family members. First of all I lost my son and am trying to cope, secondly I care for my kids on my own, last but not least I have a job and a home to maintain. I could care less to waste my time reading nonsense. As you can see I have much more important things to worry about. Im well aware that many people especially mothers have sympathy for me and like to reach out for the simple fact they see the amount of dysfunction in my family life but I assure you I AM STRONG LIKE A BULL! I dont require pity or attention to feel complete. I have my close friends and family by my side whenever needed! For the rest that just are nosy, please stop being two faced! Now to set the record on a few rumors that have so many people that dont know me questioning my character. No I am not a drug addict. Yes I work and have always worked my whole life (nothing comes for free) My house, Ive owned it since 2006. Yes I was with a woman in the past, she is an amazing person with an amazing family that I am still in contact with and consider my family to this day. Yes some of my friends are lesbians and there is nothing wrong with that, doesnt make me one. No I do not or have not used my sons money to go on vacations, as you can tell by my Facebook for those of you that dont really know me I have been traveling long before this. Last but not least I did not steal money from Jay I have his children and they need to be supported we had an arrangement on bills prior to his departure. Oh and I did break his window! No matter what Jay writes about me, or even if he decides to go the rest of his life without seeing his kids I will not speak negative about him on here, this is not a place to vent thats what friends are for and PRIVACY! If you want to do anything for Jay then pray for him cause thats what he truthfully needs. Lets not forget here that this man found his son, his best friend, lying in a pool, no one not even I can even imagine how traumatic that is for him. I cant speak for Jay and his behavior, his posts or his intentions on his children but I will intervene on his behalf and say knock it off. Let the man post whatever he wants, its his page, its his life and the only one that has to live with his decisions is himself. Its no secret unfortunately that we both are failures at having a family and our joke of an attempt at this multiple times has failed and been exploited all over Facebook multiple times. Nevertheless he is the father of my children, I am thankful for my children and I will not indulge in anymore of this childish stuff. Respect the fact that I need my peace. Thank you!
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 19:19:44 +0000

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