It’s been widely reported and documented that President Obama - TopicsExpress


It’s been widely reported and documented that President Obama repeatedly lied to this nation when he said, “If you like your healthcare plan and doctor, you can keep them.” Google can help anyone find the multiple video references to this quote. Many, if not all, of the promises came before the Affordable Care Act was passed. And all the while, the President, his administration, and key followers were well aware of the lie he was verbalizing. Then, the President goes on TV for an apology. “I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based upon assurances they got from me.” First, that is no apology for lying. He is saying that he is sorry that people believed him. He did not apologize for lying, for that was his intent – to deceive. Second, the media that has become the President’s propaganda arm is still defending him to this day. They are rallying around him and demanding that we get beyond the lie and accept the President’s apology. He did not apologize and that’s not the point. Obamacare is nothing that was promised. Millions of Americans will LOSE their healthcare coverage that they have today. Millions of Americans will LOSE their doctors whom they have trusted for decades with their personal health history. Millions of Americans are at risk of identity theft from a horrific website that still does not work. Millions of Americans are seeing their healthcare costs RISE as a direct result of Obamacare. The President said that this would not happen. He promised. He lied. There was no apology. And even he had said, “I’m sorry for lying,” the facts remain that the ACA is devastating lives, costing more money, and insuring less people. And the President and his followers knew it would be this way all along. Imagine I gave you a brand new car and promised you it would the best vehicle you had ever driven. Then you walk out to your drive-way the first morning you were to drive it to work and discover it is completely wrecked. Not only that, you learn that the bill to repair this “new” car was sent to you and you were now responsible for the repairs. You then learn that even if you could get it repaired, the cost of running this new car will now cost you two to three times more than your previous car – a car you actually didnt mind driving. You want your old car, but have learned that I towed it away forcing you to deal with the new car. You call me about the wrecked car. I simply apologize for you not really understanding what you were getting. I then hang up. How do you feel? Angry? Helpless? Satisfied with my apology? That apology fixed the situation, right? Our President has lied and is hoping that mindless people will move beyond his lies. But lies have consequences. Healthcare costs have gone up. Less Americans will be insured. Doctors are retiring early. Quality will go down. But what about our President? What are his consequences? So far, they appear to be limited on the surface. He is a laughing stock at home and around the world, but I don’t think he cares. He already has his legacy in mind and nothing will cloud that for him. Perhaps the consequences will affect Democratic members of Congress who are up for re-election this next year. But the President can and has distanced himself from them as they are from him. And then maybe, just maybe, history will reveal the clearest consequences of this President’s lies. That this became a pivoting point for our nation where the American citizen finally stands up, thinks for herself/himself, and declares that enough is enough and votes the kind of leaders into office that brings back liberty, freedom, and prosperity for everyone who is willing to work and defend it. We, the People, can bring back the dignity to the office of the President by electing the right person – not the right party – as well as filling Congress with the right people who will stop this current President in his tracks from doing further damage to our great nation over what’s left of this last term.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 18:43:16 +0000

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