It’s hard to say goodbye- 14 Years ago you arrived at our gate, - TopicsExpress


It’s hard to say goodbye- 14 Years ago you arrived at our gate, out of the blue, like God sent you there- We tried, by all means to find your human family, but to no avail, no one seemed to know where you came from. Richard wouldn’t allow us to take you in, so we put some food and water at the gate, where you just sat and eventually with a lot of persuasion, Richard allowed us to take you in. You and Heidi bonded immediately and were inseparable since that day. She aptly named you Lady as that is exactly what you were in every way – a lady. How little did we know what an integral part you would play in our lives. You became the best fieldsman a young cricketer could wish for and never disappointed in making the catch in the outfield. You loved to play and frolic and were always there for a ball game or to catch the frisbee. You were the perfect mommy to your puppies even jumping over a 6 foot wall to rescue a puppy that fell in the pool! You protected us from intruders and were always first on the scene. You listened with gentle compassion to many a tears being shed on your shoulder. You always accepted new members into the family with grace and love. For me you were the greatest walking buddy I could ever ask for. As soon as you saw the leash and my walking shoes, you would almost burst out of your skin with excitement, and couldn’t wait to go for a walk. So we shared many kilometres and thoughts as we trekked through the suburbs. Even when your hind legs didn’t want to do what they were supposed to and your muscle mass deteriorated you never wanted to miss out on a walk. Two weeks ago when we went for that last walk I could see that you were not up to it anymore … You still had that sparkle in your eyes but your old frail little body just couldn’t keep up anymore… On Monday your when you little body gave in I didn’t want to accept it and was praying and hoping that on Tuesday I would hear the “click-click” of your paws on the floor – but it was not meant to be - Yesterday morning before you went away to the vet - it was time to say goodbye – I looked in your beautiful big brown eyes and a big tear rolled down your cheek – I knew – the suffering had become too much and it was time for you to go – our journey together had come to an end… You were a true companion and the best friend our family ever had – you will always be remembered with great love and you leave a space in our midst that can never be filled – our hearts are broken … Rest in Peace our Lady – Thank you God for lending us this friend, please take care of her and hold her safe in your Mighty hands – she deserves only the best!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 15:36:02 +0000

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