Ive answered dozens of questions over the past few days. Now I - TopicsExpress


Ive answered dozens of questions over the past few days. Now I would like to pose some of my own: 1.) There are some people who are criticizing the League who believe that a NS strongman is needed. If such a NS strongman were located, would he hold street demonstrations like Adolf Hitler or Golden Dawn, or would he limit his activities to posting anonymous comments on the internet? 2.) There are plenty of candidates around who might be interested in playing the role of a NS strongman. To name just a few, there is Jeff Schoep of the NSM, Erich Gliebe of the National Alliance, Harold Covington of the Northwest Front, Craig Cobb of the Creativity Movement, Alex Linder of VNN Forum, Bill White of the ANSWP, the Kevin Alfred Strom/Will Williams faction of the National Alliance, and Michael Blevins aka Von Bluvens. Whats wrong with the existing leadership? Do you support any existing NS organization? 3.) When do you expect civilization to collapse? In the event of the collapse of civilization, would a disorganized, purely anonymous, internet based social movement of disagreeable and highly individualistic people be in any position to take advantage of the situation? 4.) If civilization were to collapse, who would benefit? Would ordinary people turn to a race-based organization with an obscure internet outpost, or would they fall back on friends, family, kinship networks and existing religious groups in their immediate geographical area? 5.) There are some people who believe in moving to a White area like the Pacific Northwest to make a last stand. Have you done so? Did you support the effort to take over the town of Leith, ND? If you abandon your existing home, why would you fight with strangers for an adopted one? 6.) Some people have proposed creating a White ethnostate. Where would the White ethnostate be located? What ethnicity would it be based on? What is the name of the White ethnostate? Is there any organization working toward this objective? If so, does the organization have a plan to win over the existing White population that is settled there? 7.) If a White ethnostate were created in the Pacific Northwest or somewhere besides the South, would the Confederate Battle Flag be its national flag, or would a new flag be created for it? 8.) Will there be business owners in the White ethnostate? Wealthy people? Middle class people? 9.) If an organization were to be created to promote the idea of a White ethnostate, would it be membership based? How would it be financed? Would its members pay dues or would the organization finance its activities through some other means? 10.) How do you plan to transfer the idea of creating a White ethnostate from the internet to the real world? 11.) Assuming the White ethnostate is run by a NS strongman, how do you plan to appeal to Whites outside of your subculture whose support you require to achieve your objective? 12.) Where will racial separation be achieved? How will it be achieved? There arent many places left in America, particularly cities, where non-Whites dont exist to some degree. Even in the Pacific Northwest, there are large numbers of non-Whites in Seattle and Portland. 11.) How do you plan to overcome Jewish control and Jewish organizations like the SPLC and ADL? Can this be done anonymously on the internet while conforming to the existing structure of taboos?
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 20:16:53 +0000

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