Ive been on the phone on hold all day and havent been able to - TopicsExpress


Ive been on the phone on hold all day and havent been able to really get into this until now. But I cant wait any more. I need someone to hear my ISSUES 📺 Welcome back to the Gotham High production of Marat/Sade. The role of the deranged nurse will be played tonight by the secretary from Moonlighting to remind us all that good television exists 📺 Get it. Theyre doing Tempest and its raining out. And the sprite is singing about a childs father dying and somewhere a billionaire is crying. Get it. 📺 Music hath such charms as to incite a prison riot. 📺 The asylum director is the senator from the The Wire and the doctor is the courtesan from Firefly?!?! Thats rubbing it in that I could be watching good tv. 📺 Why is the inmate who was attacked the one who is being sedated? (And if hes not being sedated, why is he receiving intervenors injections for getting beat up?) 📺 Frogman? Hes no fun. He fell right over. 📺 I think Im going to start ending my conversations by shouting Walk away! WALK AWAY! 📺 Im going to check the schedule to see if we can use Fish Mooneys Perpetually Empty Nightclub (FMPEN™) to hold our mob meeting. - oh, look, its not that one night ever we allowed patrons in. Were good. 📺 Why doesnt fat Jon Stewart understand what Fish Mooney is saying? Shes clearly pointing at and indicating every concept. (Maybe hes distracted... Was she born to a Catholic family on a Friday? Maybe shes Vietnamese and changed the spelling from Pfish? What is she pointing at now?) 📺 Why is Gordons office on the stage?! (Answer - the same reason every apartment in Gotham has one of two style of walls.) 📺 (this is personal, but the grade A sociopath being interrogated by Gordon reminds me of my father and it keeps making me giggle.) 📺 The grade A sociopath was on Hell on Wheels (another show superior to this one) and thus is obviously the one who did it - I can solve any mystery when the suspects are all low career-level actors except for one guy who has been a series regular for four seasons on another show and was in three of the Twilight films. 📺 Wow, that lip guy has a great crazy-laughing-face! 📺 How are we going to find out who stole the keys and lobotomized Frog-Man? I have a brilliant idea. Lets question everyone. How about looking at our records and figuring out who has the medical background or training? Nah, I think asking a lot of insane people questions is the way to go. 📺 Minor stupid thing (arent they all?) but neither actor held that cup as though there was any warm coffee in it. And when she drank, she talked over the overdubbed sound of her own swallowing. 📺 Shes just awoken and is fully made-up; I guess thats what lipstick lesbian means. 📺 They could have just broken into a cover of Britney Spears Toxic and they didnt. Another opportunity to save this show thrown away. 📺 Heres Donal Logue, an actor who was the lead on the amazing Terriers because Gotham has great casting to highlight the ridiculousness of everything else about it. 📺 All we need is a bottle of Applejack Applejack, the drink I associate with my grandfathers wet bar and New Jersey prohibition-era mobsters; Im assuming the dated drink was introduced to have at least one what-year-is-it moment in every episode. (BTW, Applejack does make for a tasty cocktail.) 📺 Hot damn, there are people in FMPEN™! And the showgirls finally get to set their vague wandering and posing to music. In front of people! And what people they are! People who applaud wildly in the middle of song when no-one on stage is doing anything special. I guess the crowd is so happy just to be inside that they havent yet learned that performers are supposed to do something entertaining before they applaud. 📺 The asylum director is referring to it as electro-shock therapy instead of electroconvulsive therapy which might have been fine in the 1940s, but makes him unfit to be running an insane asylum in the 1980s (or whatever year its supposed to be.) And why does he keep saying only a skilled surgeon could perform ECT? And if only a skilled surgeon could perform ECT, why isnt there one on staff at Arkham? Once again, the writers seem to find science, facts, and logic to be bothersome obstacles in the way of telling their absurd story, 📺 Everybodys hiding something Dont play tag Youre right detective. I am afraid of authority. And the things Im hiding, Ill never tell you Sounds heavy Heavy? Yes. And if you know whats good for you, you wont dig any deeper. Alright, I dont want to hit any power lines. You dont have to tell me twice, UNLESS of course it has something to do with the case at hand. Nothing. - how many takes did they have to do before they got a clean one without the actors giggling at the dialogue? And why did they bother? (Addendum - Having watched the full episode, I can now say that on a second read through, this dialogue makes no sense.) 📺 The nurse (from Moonlighting) is obviously working with the sociopath (from Twilight) but I guess this was in a year before the concept of Angels of Mercy would have made her an obvious suspect to Gordon. Because thats how time works in this show. 📺 The asylum directors staff has all been together for five years before coming and opening Arkham. Did the asylum they were all at before close or did they just abandon it? (And why no skilled surgeons?) 📺 The reveal is that the crazy nurse is actually a crazy inmate? Seems like something an asylum director would have mentioned when inmates started turning up shocked into coma. 📺 The crazy nurse/inmate just opened all the cells and there doesnt seem to be any guards around to slow her down; this was not a well thought out asylum for the criminally insane. 📺 Having spent all day, and much of the past two months, trying to get healthcare, all these adds for CoveredCalifornia are just mean. 📺 Poison Sproutling is a vegan; she eats ONLY plants and fungi. I cant see that biting her on the ass someday. 📺 Barbara is so jealous of the guy shes been sleeping around on that she smashes her phone because theres a girl in their apartment. No attempt is made to find out who the girl is or why shes there, despite the fact that Gordon has already brought home kitty-girl to the apartment to keep her safe and Barbara didnt care. Maybe she didnt like her data plan. 📺 Hes working for the king of all cheese grinders. - I need to start a record of the ridiculous things Bullock says. 📺 Of course Penguin went after fisherman. His violent hatred of fishermen was established by his sandwich motivated killing of a fisherman in the first episode. 📺 I think Penguins superpower is the ability to have every lie believed, no matter how unconvincingly told or how arch his expression. It must make sarcasm very difficult. 📺 John McClane would have known the right way to deal with a Gruber. 📺 Why did Grade A Socipath leave a note explaining everything to Gordon? Hes only supposed to reveal his plans when Gordon is trapped in a barrel, slowly being lowered into a bubbling vat of acid. This villian doesnt understand how things work in Gotham, 📺 Gangland shooting by the river, set to 50s doo-wop, preceded by a reminiscence of stealing meat. Its like Scorsese directing On the Waterfront, except hackneyed, predictable and dumb. 📺 next episode, my dad runs rampant. Also, electricity is sure to do things that electricity cant actually do, because watching Gotham is like receiving the opposite of an education.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 05:08:41 +0000

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