Ive been thinking about the hole gun shooting threat thing at - TopicsExpress


Ive been thinking about the hole gun shooting threat thing at Cherokee high school tonight. There was a lady that came in shoe show that was telling me some things about the hole situation!! The lady stated that she thought lord forgive them for they dont know what they have done! How true is that a sinners we dont know what we have done until where shown and convectied by gods love. Saying that as parents or brothers or sisters or aunts of uncles or grandmas or grandpas we have to live a light to our younger generation and tell them and show them about gods love!! With out gods love then where doomed!! Teach your how it should go and as it gets older they shaw not depart from it. Everyday for all of us we have a choice to make who wee are going to serve the devil or The Lord!! If people had the love of god in there hearts then the world wld be like it was 15 or 20 yrs ago!! Gods love is eternal and I fail and come short but i know that he stands there with open stretched arms welcoming me back when I stray away!! But when the lady made the comment today about lord forgive them for they not know what they have done this song came back to me!! Its true they made a mauk out of our jesus and people are still doing it now!! He died for mine and ur sins so we cld have eternal life !!! https://m.youtube/watch?v=MX0cmUj4hvw
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 05:01:50 +0000

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