Ive been waiting for this. Not this game in particular, I didnt - TopicsExpress


Ive been waiting for this. Not this game in particular, I didnt know about it until just now, but Ive been waiting for the last stand of the ‘Gamer’, and I reckon this is a sure sign of the peak. When you look into history, and all the revolutions of the past, whether they be political, technical, or whatever, they seem to follow a similar tracks. First, the conservatives ignore the movement; they then belittle it. When the movement gains real momentum they get serious and start calling it a real threat, attacking wherever they can with things such as in this case, ‘gamergate’, and that stupid ‘gamer chick’ character they invented in attempt to commandeer the new-age movement’s concepts. They continue like this as they slowly lose ground until finding themselves nearing the end. Then comes their final stand, like as we see here, where they thrust their culture, with all emotion, as far to the brink as they are able. This ‘Hatred’ game is a fine example of ‘gamers’ - the old generation of the video gaming community – seeing the writing on the wall, finding themselves besieged in their remaining fortress, and roaring out as loudly as they can as the hammer slams down on their head. What I’m interested in though is not these guys, but the public response. There are going to be major calls for this game to be banned, and for these guys simply to be shunned and belittled. I think that would be a very bad idea, and not what Western culture stands for, or needs. Contrary to what many might believe; we need these kinds of things to be out there, in the open, as baiting assets, because they are clear indicators of the developer’s and consumer’s social dysfunction. We need to be able to provide these people openings for the appropriate ‘measured’ discourse to bring them back to the group. The people associated on both ends of these kinds of extreme media are not ‘bad people’, they’re not ‘sociopaths’. They’re just simply people who have diverted away from society, who haven’t been shown the benefits of an alternate path back. Im going to be interested to see what happens with this game and the controversy which surrounds it.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 01:29:31 +0000

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