Ive had this bookmarked for months and reading the transcript - TopicsExpress


Ive had this bookmarked for months and reading the transcript reprinted recently in the Catholic Worker finally made me watch it. Something to chew on. “I’ve taught in prisons now for thirty-two years and it is incredible the degree to which, when they experience the real thing-love-it scares them to death. It’s alien. They have little sense of what to do with it, because it is not something to manipulate. It’s not something to instrumentalize. It’s not something to take advantage of for short term gain. That’s what you’re told, over and over again, life’s about what? Instrumental thinking, it’s about market calculation, it’s about status, it’s about power, wealthy, visibility. No. It’s about integrity. It’s about honesty. It’s about decency- about a quest for virtue. Think about Dorothy Day. Think about W.E.B Dubois’ question, How does integrity face oppression? Then look at her life. See how honesty faced deception, lies mendacity especially from the powers that be given the wickedness in high places. Look at her life in the movement today. How does decency respond to insult?” –Cornel West
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 02:51:38 +0000

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