Ive never spoken about Ferguson, compelling and harrowing as it - TopicsExpress


Ive never spoken about Ferguson, compelling and harrowing as it has been. But now, watch and mark the end of a revolution and the unleashing of just another monster. What began as outrage over a dead child has produced another dead child - and for what reason? This is no longer black-versus-white (whether it ever was to begin with) nor is it about the disenfranchised versus authority. There wont be standing protests for justice of this youth. The nation wont turn its gaze to his body and ruminate over which lines were crossed. Frankly, its just another death in a country where people that shouldnt die do, and where people that deserve to dont. Call it white entitlement or whatever, but Ferguson has never been about anything to me except a scathing portrayal of how under-served our own citizens are. Black, white, brown, purple... gay, straight, transgender... young and old, fat and thin, strong or withering... our entire culture is inadequate for a great number of people. If you approached it from a medical standpoint and built a point-by-point prognosis, wed be terminally sick. So much has to treated, and the body count will go up until that happens. These protests do nothing. Violence does nothing. Raging from the role of victim will do nothing. And it begins and ends in government, because we are a nation that is for the people, by the people. Unless we become a nation that takes on the mother-archetype and can care for the well-being of its children, that educates them, leads and inspires them with wisdom, and has their well-being and health in mind... there will be no bloodless road. God help the poor people in this town.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 02:31:32 +0000

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