Ive only got 2, my fridge currently contains 3 types of organic - TopicsExpress


Ive only got 2, my fridge currently contains 3 types of organic kale (yay kale!) my kids absolutely pick out their own amazingly wild wardrobes, and I think occasional food fights are fun. This. This is our family. And my attempt at this wild ride called parenting... 14. We video them riding a skateboard down a plastic slide, instead of rushing out of the house to stop that potentially dangerous activity. Because we have come to the realization that, first of all, kids will be crazy. And second, what are you going to do? (Sometimes I put myself in their shoes at age 25. Would I rather have them think, “Man, my mom let us do some crazy stuff”? Or would I prefer, “My mom never let us do anything. She was always shrieking about safety.” I choose the first option.) 15. We don’t call the doctor for every little runny nose, cough, or complaint. You start to figure out which sniffle can be treated over-the-counter, and which might really need professional attention—because it’s not always worth the hassle of loading them into the car, sitting forever in a waiting room, and potentially exposing them to something worse because of all the sick kids. You also realize that, if one of ’em got something, the others will probably get it, too. That’s how it goes. It’s interesting, though. I think who I’ve become with four kids is probably healthier and more reasonable than the mom I was with my first two. I started as a tightly wound bundle of nerves who worried I was harming my baby for life because he wouldn’t eat any peas. Now I’m a mom who watches four kids have a pea fight on the front porch, laughing, because they’ll remember this for the rest of their lives. That’s good parenting…right? (Please say yes.) Read more: mommyish/2014/07/18/things-moms-of-four-kids-do/#ixzz3DP3GP0Nw
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 16:43:19 +0000

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