Ive struggled this morning. Ive prayed to have compassion for all - TopicsExpress


Ive struggled this morning. Ive prayed to have compassion for all people: especially those on my news feed. Ive prayed for some great revelation, something that would bring healing or help those whose hearts are hurting. Unfortunately, it doesnt work that way. So, out of love, I share this. If it is misinterpreted or disliked, Im not concerned. Id first like to say I will not feed into hatred of any kind, for any reason because it is not of God. God is love, He is not confusion, strife, discord, or hate. God is a God of justice. Whether we see the justice or not, it does get served and He does not have to consult humans on how He choses to handle it. God loves everyone. He loves Mike Brown, and He loves the man that shot Him. Let that sink in. If you think that all human life doesnt have value because of how people chose to act, you may want to take that up with God-He places value on all life. Heres my biggest concern this morning. Division. A country divided, a people divided and most importantly the body of Christ divided. A house divided can not stand. Social media is an easy platform. If you are a child of God, which is someone who as accepted the gift of salvation through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, I can not change your heart or mind. Thats not my job and I dont have that power. But I will say this. Im praying for you. That you would receive kingdom perception for every circumstance, that God would reveal Himself to you and show you your identity, that you will receive the peace that surpasses all understanding for your life and every situation; and that you choose love above all else. Please remember this, while you are posting things out of hurt and anger, some of you are hurting others. When you accept Christ, you choose to become a co-laborer with Christ. He came to seek, save, love, heal, not hurt. All I can see this morning is a Father who is saddened by the division of His children. How His heart hurts!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 12:26:19 +0000

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