Ive wanted to create a new topic were we can compare and contrast - TopicsExpress


Ive wanted to create a new topic were we can compare and contrast the comic book film industry and share our own personal experiences. This should only involve DC and Marvel on film. If you want to discuss the TV properties of each company then please create your own topic. To start off I think its best to break down the films of each company into three timelines, that way the conversation doesnt spiral out of control. I will also add a little of my own personal experience with each timeline. So here goes. DC COMICS Golden Age - Pre Batman Begins Superman Superman 2 Superman 3 Superman 4 Steel Batman Batman Returns Batman Forever Batman & Robin Catwoman This is era that introduced me to the gene. Superman was the my favorite hero growing up, but that all changed on June 23, 1989 when Batman was released. The best to come out of this era would have to be Christopher Reeves as Superman and Michael Keaton as Batman. Modern Age - Everything from Batman Begins to The Dark Knight Rises. Batman Begins The Dark Knight The Dark Knight Rises Superman Returns Green Lantern Watchmen V For Vendetta Constantine Jonah Hex Where to begin with this era? This is when people leaned that comics arent just for kids. From the brilliance of The Dark Knight to boldness of Watchmen, this era redefined the gene and for me it changed my ideas about what Batman can be. There are far too many great things to come out of this era so I will just say The Dark Knight Trilogy, V for Vendetta and Watchmen. The Future - Man of Steel and beyond. Man of Steel Of course there isnt much to discuss in this era because we only have one film. I would like to say that in my opinion Man of Steel delivered the best Superman film to date and its bold choices makes me excited for the what comes next. MARVEL Golden Age - Pre X-Men Captain America The Incredible Hulk Returns The Trial of The Incredible Hulk The Death of The Incredible Hulk The Punisher This era introduced many of us to Marvel and the best thing to come out it was Bill Bixby as the Hulk. Modern Age - Everything from X-Men to Origins Wolverine. X-Men X-Men 2 X-Men 3 Origins Wolverine Spiderman Spiderman 2 Spiderman 3 Fantastic Four Fantastic Four 2 Ghost Rider The Punisher This era was easy the dawn of the comic book film era. Spiderman and X-Men owned at the box office and the public finally knew about Marvel Comics. The best to come out of this era would have to be the first two Spiderman fims, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and Thomas Jane as The Punisher. The Future - Iron Man and beyond. Iron Man Iron Man 2 Iron Man 3 Captain America Captain America 2 Thor Thor 2 The Incredible Hulk The Avengers Guardians of the Galaxy X-Men First Class X-Men Days of Future Past The Amazing Spiderman The Amazing Spiderman 2 Ghost Rider 2 Punisher War Zone Again where to begin? This era gave birth to the Cinematic Universe. It also made everyone in the world into a comic book fan, which in my opinion is not a good thing because now its cool to like comics and its next to impossible to attend the San Diego Comic Con. Again there are to far too many great things to come out of this era. I will simply say Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Micheal Fassbender, James McAvoy and Jennifer Lawrence. On a personal note, this era finally gave me not one, but two great X-Men films with a team feel to them. Well, there you have it. Did I miss anything?
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 00:10:49 +0000

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