I’d grab a coffee and find a comfortable chair before settling - TopicsExpress


I’d grab a coffee and find a comfortable chair before settling in for today’s Snatch, it’s rather huge. First up, a trailer for the Oddword: New ‘n’ Tasty. This is pre-alpha footage but it still looks gorgeous. You can also add the game to growing list of PlayStation exclusives, not because of large amounts of cash but because Microsoft a bit silly. Oddworld Inhabitants head Lorne Lanning told Eurogamer why: “For Xbox One they’ve granted us a license for New ‘n’ Tasty! but they still say you need a publisher. We don’t have a publisher so we’re not officially on the platform, even though we’re compatible, even though we’ll be ready to do it. Period.” “Why do we need a publisher when we self-finance our games, we build our own IP, we manage our own IP and we’ve turned nearly two million units online as indie publishers sold – not free downloads? Why? What’s wrong with us?” Well whodathunk it! After Sony did the right thing and listened to their fan’s opinions on DRM, EA have come out in support of pre-owned games. EA Games Label boss Patrick Söderlund gave this quote to Eurogamer: “We announced that we have abandoned Online Pass, we’re not doing that any more. And we’re not doing that because we talked to people, our fans and our players, and they said, ‘listen, we don’t want to play our games like this.’ We have to listen to them and we removed it. It’s that simple. “We don’t have a problem with second-hand sales as they are today. We clearly articulated our stance when we abandoned Online Pass.” Later on during an investor call EA Labels president Frank Gibeau did little to clarify what EA’s plans are for next-gen but it sounded positive. “We are formulating our strategy based on the information [Sony & Microsoft] released, in general, we’ll definitely be looking at a gamer-first [perspective] so we can continue to have a relationship with used game users that is a positive experience.” EA are being quite chatty about the subject now, a far cry from last week when they refused to comment on pre-owned games. I wonder why that is… Thirty minutes of footage from Batman: Arkham Origins in which it is Christmas Eve and Batman is a bit miffed that Santa has not arrived, perhaps the Black Mask has something to do with it? ________________________________________ The Last Of Us has a day one patch for the multi-player but it’s tiny and is just “minor launch tweaks”. If you’re planning on picking up the game today, you might want to take a look at the news about asaving bug. ________________________________________ Rainbow 6: Patriots is moving to next gen: “Rainbow 6 got caught in the transition of going to next-gen and essentially we’re figuring out ‘well, are we making the right game for the right hardware systems?’” ________________________________________ The newly rechristened Stealth Inc for PlayStation Vita is being tweaked with extra respawn points. Another Indie, Lone Survivor, will land on the dinky console with a load of extra content including “more than twenty new items, several new locations, new side-quests, new dialogue for all characters, several new pieces of music, a brand new movie-like lighting system and new flashlight effects, and even two completely new endings.” Cliffy B has said something stupid which I’m not reprinting because A) This is my show and B) He hasn’t worked in the industry for ages now so I don’t know why anyone should listen to him. GO AWAY CLIFFY. ________________________________________ More news from Microsoft! Will it be A) clever, insightful and what it’s fans want or B) exactly the opposite? It’s B of course, Minecraft for Xbox One is a “new experience” (urgh, hate that phrase) and you will not be able to transfer your saves from the Xbox 360 version. The puntastic Ray’s the Dead has been announced for PlayStation 4. The game stars Raymond La Morte, a newly resurrected zombie on a quest to find out how he was killed, who killed him, and most curiously, why there is a strange light bulb sticking out of his head. Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate is coming to the 3DS and Vita on October 25th, the first screenshots have appeared and the game looks like a Batman game. Proper Batman, not some cut down side scrolling adventure. Colour me impressed. ________________________________________ Sony made everyone wait until E3 for the reveal of the PlayStation 4 box and when I say everyone I mean everyone, including the bloke who designed the innards: “Cerny: I hadn’t actually seen the console until Monday’s event. I wanted to wait and see it when the rest of the world did. It’s beautiful” ________________________________________ “Yes, we plan on creating Metal Gear Online. Multi-player right now is being created at our LA studio as well as us. We’re working closely to create a vast multi-player for all the fans.” – Hideo Kojima. He also revealed, “The first reason why I wanted to go open-world is because I wanted to create a world that had a lot of freedom and allowed users to create their own game play.” “The other reason for the game going open-world is that we wanted to use multiple devices for this game,” he continued. “So using tablets and smart phones you can also enjoy MGSV and create user-generated missions within the world. That’s another reason we had to go open-world – if it was linear we wouldn’t be able to do that.” Microsft have pissed off someone again (quelle suprise), this time it’s the entire American Army. And Navy. And Airforce. Writing for Gamasutra US Navy serviceman Jay Johnson described the Xbox One as “he single greatest sin Microsoft has committed.” “Their surprising decision to require the Xbox One to receive a message from the “mother ship” every 24 hours has already been lighting up the Internet for a myriad of reasons. But, the reason that I am so infuriated about it is that I, and my brothers and sisters in arms, will not ever be able to play Xbox One when deployed or on detachment. ” “No longer will the sounds of Master Chief saving the human race echo through the hallowed halls of the USS Abraham Lincoln, or any other USS Ship, when we have a few hours respite. No longer will you see Marcus and Dom sawing through the Locust Horde at the bases in Afghanistan after the Marines have returned from patrol and want to escape their reality for a bit. Those days are now firmly behind us.” “Microsoft has single handedly alienated the entire military, and not just the U.S. military, the militaries of the entire world.” (Courtesy: thesixthaxis/2013/06/14/news-snatch-drm-backtracking-the-us-navy-target-microsoft-and-loads-of-e3-news/)
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 06:39:57 +0000

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