I’ve read some pretty nasty and downright negative comment’s - TopicsExpress


I’ve read some pretty nasty and downright negative comment’s about how Don has lost the ability to sing and that his voice is shot, a couple of things really stand out for me . First, it seems to me that every comment seems to focus solely on his high range which is a bit confusing. Now, granted, he did have an amazing ability to really sing those high notes without resorting to screaming. Not that I’m saying screaming is a bad thing but, in my mind , this is what really set him apart and made him special. However, that amazing high range only accounted for like 10 - 20 % of any song he ever did so why there is so much emphasis placed on it doesn‘t make sense. Secondly, I think a lot of people confuse musical preferences for musical ability. I mean anyone can say what they like or don’t like but, if you really want to assess one’s ability to sing you need to have a solid understanding of music and vocals in particular. Of all the comments and reviews I’ve heard or read not once has anyone ever listed their credentials so, allow me to be the first. I was raised in a very musical family. My dad was a high school choir director with a masters in music. I myself sang in choir 7th - 12th grade even attaining the ultimate goal of auditioning in to Acappella choir my senior year so, when it comes to vocals I do know a thing or two. Essentially from a technical standpoint there are really only two elements to being a good vocalist. You have to be able to sing in key and have timing. I mean seriously, if you’re flat and racing into the chorus while the rest of the band is still plugging away at the verse, big problem. Of all the performances I’ve seen or heard Don has always been right on key and completely locked in with the band so, from a technical standpoint, he‘s golden. Since music really is an art form and primarily a means of expressing thoughts, feelings and emotions you have to look at that aspect of ones vocals as well and, once again he delivers. The way he belts out those strong, heart wrenching lines yet, pulls back on the more subtle ones, his ability to not only sustain a note, but to build on it to really add depth and meaning and, of course his amazing Vibrato all just add to the overall effect. Some people seem to think that just because he’s changed the way he sings some of the old tunes that he can no longer sing however, this just reinforces the fact that he can still sing. His ability to change the notes, add harmonies yet, retain the original integrity of the song is a difficult task to accomplish and he does it flawlessly. So, in conclusion, yes Virginia, Don CAN still sing. Have there been subtle changes to his voice over the years? yes. Has he had bad performances? I’m sure he has. He’s a man after all not a machine but, does that mean he can’t sing? To that I say HA! And no, no it doesn’t mean he can’t sing. I’ve also read that he’s kind of a pain in the studio and an asshole. I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting him although, I’d consider it a great honor to have that privilege some day so, my comments here will be merely my interpretations of things that I’ve heard and read. As far as the studio thing goes I think that Don is probably a bit of a perfectionist. I think all truly great musicians are. It’s what drives them to create some truly awesome songs and to not settle for mediocrity. I’d imagine if one was not quite as driven that it might come across as arrogance. It also seems to me , that someone who gives as much of his time and talents to various organizations as Don has without feeling the need to drag along a media circus to proclaim the great things he is doing is not someone who thinks to highly of himself. Not to mention, assholes do NOT write the kind of lyrics that Don does. Last but, not least, appearance. While there may be a bit more of Don to love these days let me say this. I would not throw the man out of bed for eating crackers!!!!! I’d probably make him share…. More than likely would send him to the kitchen to fetch me a glass or two of wine but, in my humble opinion he is just as Babelicious now as he ever was and Don, if you happen to read this take heart dear one, and remember those people who write such cruel and hateful things about you speak volumes more about their own character than they ever will about yours.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 20:29:33 +0000

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