JANUARY PRAYER GUIDE JANUARY 24 – Read John 4:39-42. I - TopicsExpress


JANUARY PRAYER GUIDE JANUARY 24 – Read John 4:39-42. I don’t ever want to question God or His ways. But I do. Read verse 39 again. Why God trusts us with such a critical mission in life is beyond me. It seems to me to be far too risky. It seems to me to be placing a whole lot of responsibility and trust …. well, where it maybe shouldn’t be. It seems to me if God wanted to convince people of Himself – and bring people to belief He could do a much better job than us. But it seems to God His plan is better than what I would devise. So I’m okay with that. But it does throw an immense sense of responsibility our way. God trusts us to – as Paul puts it in 2 Cor. 5 – be His ambassadors. He trusts us to represent His appeal to the human race to take advantage of the reconciliation possible through Jesus Christ. He didn’t ask us. We didn’t get a vote (how undemocratic of God!). No conditions to be negotiated. If you are His you are assigned. Our tool is to give testimony or bear witness (Acts 8). That is to tell others what Jesus has done for us. Personal story. Wow. Prayerfully talk to God about that – because if you are reading this and you are one redeemed and restored by Jesus this is your calling. It is the calling of the church. And it matters. Then read verses 40- 42 – and thank God!! Our lives and testimonies are the attraction – not the end game. Whew!! When we get it right and people get spiritually awakened the real hand-off takes place. They too begin to hear from and experience Jesus – 1st hand. And that is what He and the Father were after from the very beginning.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 11:00:00 +0000

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