Jacksonville In 1898 Charles C Hemming announced that he wanted - TopicsExpress


Jacksonville In 1898 Charles C Hemming announced that he wanted to erect a monument honoring the Confederate Soldiers. He chose St James Park (previously called City Park) and wanted it where the existing fountain stood. City officials agreed and had the fountain moved to another section of the park. The monument is 62 foot tall monument was unveiled on 1899 and is still the tallest and oldest monument in Jacksonville. In 1899 the city changed the name of the park to Hemming Park. The inscription on the base of the monument is thought to have been written by Hemming himself and reads: TO THE SOLDIERS OF FLORIDA This shaft is by a comrade raised in testimony of his love, recalling deeds immortal, heroism unsurpassed. With ranks unbroken, ragged, starved and decimated, the Southern soldier for duty’s sake, undaunted, stood to the front of the battle until no light remained to illumine the field of carnage, save the luster of his chivalry and courage. Nor shall your glory be forgot, While fame her record keeps, Or honor points the hallowed spot, Where valor proudly sleeps. CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL 1861-1865 More pic vvv
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 01:41:21 +0000

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