Jacky’s Devotion – June 6, 2013 ONLY AT A WEDDING “For - TopicsExpress


Jacky’s Devotion – June 6, 2013 ONLY AT A WEDDING “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24) Last Friday night, Becki and I met with a young couple who plan to get married this June. As we were enjoying our dinner, the conversation turned to planning the wedding. The usual questions were asked: how long, traditional or contemporary, colors, flowers, how many attendants, what is the preacher’s fee? (no charge for church members and/or friends). Finally, we talked about a few things that can go wrong. Assuring them that nothing will go wrong, my mind wandered back over 40 years of weddings when some humorous and embarrassing things took place. Below are just a few: • The time came to exchange the rings. When I asked for them the groom turned beet red and admitted he had left them in the car. We delayed the ceremony for about 10 minutes as he went to retrieve the rings. • Upon lighting the unity candle, the bride and groom turned to face each other and the bride’s veil got too close to the candle and I watched from a distance as a large hole was burned into her veil. • The ring bearer who turned to his Mom in the congregation, grabbed his pants and shouted “I have to pee pee!” • Yet another ring bearer who shouted to his Mom “I don’t feel good.” as he vomited all the way back down the aisle runner (this was BEFORE the bride came out). • Numerous groomsmen and bridesmaids who have fainted. • The preacher (me) calling the bride or groom by the WRONG name (Kim instead of Kristi). • At my own daughter’s wedding I forgot to tell my son-in-law “You may now kiss the bride.” • My most embarrassing moment when I waited on the bride to get dressed. I walked by her dressing room disgusted that we were nearly 15 minutes late for the ceremony. Over 200 guests were looking at their watches wondering what was taking so long. The organist had run out of music. Finally as I walked by the bride’s dressing room again I saw the door was cracked. I opened the door to say “it’s about time.” Much to my surprise the bride did not have on a stitch of clothing! I was so taken back that I started apologizing rather than shutting the door. Finally coming to my senses I slammed the door. It goes without saying that I could not look at her through the entire ceremony. (Lesson: always knock before opening a door even if It’.) HUMOR: I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. (Quote by George Burns) PRAYER: “Father, thank you for the sacrament of marriage. May we enjoy it as much years later as we did the day we said “I Do.”
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 14:42:39 +0000

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