Jacob learned that the way to reach heaven is to be rooted in the - TopicsExpress


Jacob learned that the way to reach heaven is to be rooted in the earth. In other words, humility is the gateway to eternity. “Might makes right” and “he who has the most toys wins” are ideas that have been governing our lives. We buy into the idea that the more we build ourselves up, especially in the eyes of others, the greater our lives will be and the more we will be remembered when we are gone. But God is telling us, and Jacob learned, that the real secret to greatness and immortality is humility. It’s not how we look in the eyes of others, but how we appear in the eyes of God. Humility leads to majesty. This week, let’s ask ourselves how we might walk more humbly with God. Can we put others first? Can we overlook insults? Can we slaughter our egos so that we might transcend them? When we root ourselves firmly on earth, we will eventually ascend Jacob’s ladder and reach the Kingdom of Heaven.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 05:05:31 +0000

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