Jaitapur is new nuclear scam that could net Sonia 4 Billion per - TopicsExpress


Jaitapur is new nuclear scam that could net Sonia 4 Billion per plant and if three stations are built it could be up to EUR 12 Billion loot. Jaitapur Nuclear power plant scam is directly under this thief unelected illegal PM like ISRO. France has sold two EPR reactors of the same capacity to Finland at a cost of EUR 3 billion in which all escalation cost is on France. The nuclear power station is yet to get commissioned. To China a power station with two such reactors were sold at a cost of EUR 5 Billion . But for the first Jaitapur nuclear power station with two same reactors are at a cost of EUR 7 billion. EPR reactors are not operating anywhere in the world and can explode due to its control system. Reactors follow the grid load which is not the case with any other nuclear power reactors as reactors are designed only as a base load unit. bit dot ly/fztn8J, bit dot ly/dFXrWO, bit dot ly/hI8V6r, bit dot co/o9jYrJV bit dot ly/gk8Xgf, bit dot ly/gDcYqR, bit dot ly/ftj93m, bit dot ly/fqEbpJ, Every deal of UPA is suspect and Jaitapur plant agreement is another example. Former French president Sarkozy pushed the unviable and dangerous Areva reactors to many nations including India. India should cancel the Jaitapur nuclear power plant and should take help from the new French president François Hollande, who got the environmentalist votes and he is planning to shut down two dozen of France’s 58 nuclear stations by 2025. François Hollande is the Socialist to win a presidential election after 17 years since François Mitterrand in 1988. .Anne Lauvergeon, popularly known as Atomic Annie, who was the former head of France’s state-controlled nuclear group Areva, says that French President Nicolas Sarkozy tried to sell nuclear power even to Muammar Gaddafi’s Libya. Jaitapur is a nuclear scam that could net Sonia 4 Billion per plant and if three stations are built it could be up to EUR 12 Billion loot. Jaitapur Nuclear power plant scam is directly under this thief unelected illegal PM. France has sold two EPR reactors of the same capacity to Finland at a cost of EUR 3 billion in which all escalation cost is on France. The nuclear power station is yet to get commissioned. To China a power station with two such reactors were sold at a cost of EUR 5 Billion . But for the first Jaitapur nuclear power station with two same reactors are at a cost of EUR 7 billion. EPR reactors are not operating anywhere in the world. Unlike other forms of power generation, nuclear reactors are designed to run flat out, 24/7 and they can’t crank up their output at times of high demand or ease up when demand slows. This limitation generally consigns nuclear power to meeting a power system’s minimum power needs. In French EPR the control rod clusters are used to moderate the nuclear reaction and thus its power output. This operating mode is adopted for economic efficiency, requiring the power of the reactor to change with the change in the electricity demand. This control design of the EPR presents a serious risk of a major nuclear accident. This is a risk deliberately taken for economic justification for the EPR nuclear power plants profitability increase and sale, but make the EPR reactor an extremely dangerous one. .Some operating modes could cause the EPR reactor to explode because of a control rod cluster ejection accident. Whatever the configuration of the control rod clusters, a rod ejection accident induces a high rate of broken fuel rods and therefore a high risk of a criticality accident . EPR reactor design could lead to the destruction of the confinement and mass dispersion of radionuclides in the atmosphere. EPR design has this very real risk of a major nuclear accident. reut dot rs/JdOWq6, bit dot ly/dFXrWO, bit. ly/hvrEc9,
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 15:36:36 +0000

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