Jale Mareau Jale Mareau was sitting next to Wai Silivas group - TopicsExpress


Jale Mareau Jale Mareau was sitting next to Wai Silivas group member Sireli Loaloadravu inside the Procera Music studio. A notebook and a pen lie on the floor as the two are engaged in conversation about compositions, songs and music. Mareau later told me that he was discussing with Loaloadravu the prospect of using some of the latters songs in his upcoming recording. Its just some of the songs that his group had recorded and perhaps they would like us to use again. I told him that he can register the songs with FIPRA and the royalty will of course still go to him but I will get my share from the sale of CDs. We are there so far but right now Master (Iliesa) Baravilala has given me his song book and basically given me free rein to use it any song I like, Mareau said. Baravilala is a famous composer in Fiji, well known for discovering the great Lagani Rabukawaqa and Jimmy Subhaydas by arming them with his songs like Isa Bau Laga Mai for schoolboy wonder Rabukawaqa and Nodaru Veitalatala for the latter. This suit Mareaus brand of music the easy going tunes with a distinctly heavy island music and he is really looking forward to bringing back to life some of Baravilalas golden tunes from yesteryears. Right now I am just working on one song that I have arranged to be sent to the US to a family there but my next album is right now still a working progress, Mareau said. He was inspired by Lautoka-based band Makare recently released work that he said was the main reason the drove him back to the studio to record another album. I must say that these guys are the driving force behind my return to the studio because the sound they have put out is just tremendous and very creative, taking our kind of music to another level. Makare has revived and rehashed some old tunes like Sakiusa Bulicokocokos Na Gauna that has been well received by members of the public. I actually thought that my last album had set the benchmark for easy listening music until Makare came out with their album and that has driven me to try and produce better music. In fact my niece Ditui Abariga sings with them so this is just healthy competition and nothing that has something bad in it, Mareau said. The 54-year-old crooners last album produced the hit song Vanuavatu and through his last four albums produced well known songs like Nabukebuke, Tu Veiyawaki and Osobo Nasi. I want to do a digital live recording with this album and I believe it will take more than two months to complete, Mareau added. He plans to lay down a digital guide and music structure in the studio before he takes it to his band boys to learn all the chord structures before they come in to studio to record their different parts. I call it digital live recording and yes the boys will have to practice it a bit before we come back to the studio to produce the album, he said. He has already dropped hints by naming some of Baravilalas songs like Tekivu ni Gauna and Salote and dont be surprised if these songs turn up in his next album. I am just thankful that the more we age, the voice still has not lost any of its shine and for that I must thank God, Mareau said.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 02:19:29 +0000

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