Je presente la page de mon amie, le professeur Cyntia Hahn que jai - TopicsExpress


Je presente la page de mon amie, le professeur Cyntia Hahn que jai eu le plaisir de connaitre en 2005, lorsque jai été visiting scholar à Lake Forest College. --------------- Cynthia T. Hahn———Poet, Translator, Educator Home Poetry Events Picture Art: Monique Loubet POETRY: CO-INCIDENCES is Cynthia Hahns second volume of poetry, published by Editions alfAbarre (Paris, 2014), with original artwork by Monique Loubet. Co-ïncidences is a coming together of words and images, of poet and artist, to express the poetic well within. It is a serendipitous merging and pursuit of coincidental paths, an aligning of friendship, of pages ripe with journey. In short, this text, with its multiple points of entry and dual language, celebrates inspiration and transcendental discovery through paired artistic creation. The section headings, Ascent/Ascente, In Flight/Envolée and Landing/Atterrissage and many of the poems and artistic renderings within use bird imagery symbolically to imply movements of the soul. To order, visit: alfabarre/fr/paroles-nomades/40-co-incidences-9782357590441.html Solstice Blue smoothing the ending days light; Bleu lissant la lumière de fin de journée; waves of soft wash roll out and beach... des vagues en lave douce se déferlent en plage... Sea sleep drowns to an azure cool; Un sommeil de mer se noie à la fraicheur dazur; in drinking whispers, it sips the night winter. il se boit en chuchottant, sirotant lhiver nocturne. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reviews: Cynthia Hahns Co-ïncidences invites the reader into her almost enchanted garden, where nature is entrancing but still real. One can close ones eyes there and relax. I empty myself and enter. One can wish for simplicity. For haiku. Terribly small words,/ a red silence of/ hardened cherries hung with snow. Or a line of pine pearls browned by September... Some of the best lines also confess to the darker, the unsaid: In the center of night. /A not so simple sadness. No, nothing is simple enough, but one can give it some time to try, and praise—as the visual art brushes serenely across the surface. —Helen Degen Cohen, poet and fiction writer; co-editor, Rhino Magazine ( Monique Loubets tableaux which accompany Hahns poetry range from colorful, lyrical abstraction to more realistic rendering. These original works, including oil paintings, linocuts, pastel drawings and photograhs suggest organically-generated fantasies that stress natural themes and include birds, flora, and seasonal skies. Their oblique reflection of the subjects of Hahns poems both complement and add a dimension that softly excites the imagination. —Jay Zerbe, visual artist (jayzerbe) Just as Co-ïncidences ascends and takes flight, so too do the comings and goings of Hahns poetry and self-translation. Description, reflection, memory and rumination migrate between English and French like flocks of birds in seasonal movement. We come to expect it, but in noticing it, we stop and marvel. Loubets visual artistry complements Hahns lyrical imagery beautifully: water, light, and wind blurs with flesh, breath, and blood. A deeply moving collaboration. —Jennifer Solheim, PhD; writer, Assistant professor of French and Francophone Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago (jennifersolheim) Ces pages de poésie et dimages harmonieuses sont peut-être des co-ïncidences (dans la juxtaposition des co avec leurs incidences), mais elles sont beaucoup plus quun amalgame de hasards heureux et réfléchis. Ce qui donne à ce livre son sens profond et son originalité, cest la longue amitié entre la poétesse et la peintre, la créatrice dun language sensible à la recherche dun sens poétique et philosophique et celle qui porte les couleurs, les formes, les symboles à un niveau de douceur et de force faisant ressortir la beauté dinstants magiques dune oeuvre transcendant les clivages et les frontières grâce à lamitié et à lamour qui sont tant de fenêtres despoir et de lumière. —Evelyne Accad, Professeur Emérite, University of Illinois, Lebanese American University Picture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OUTSIDE-IN-SIDEOUT is Cynthia T. Hahns first poetry chapbook. In this text, she explores the poetics of grieving, while embracing the healing power of nature to embody an inner emotional landscape. She also gives voice to her parents dementia by documenting the curious role reversal of providing end of life care, in writing that rings true, in poignant and occasionally humorous fashion. To order, visit: finishinglinepress Picture Excerpt, Part I; Outside-In Discovery Grey grounded wing, feather-hooked to thin pinked bone whose delicate groove long underlines lost flapping and flight. This eider rustled cup, gentle rose-lipped arch, dry splay that will not mend with blood or spilled song. Excerpt, Part II; Inside-Out Alzheimer’s Mind Poetics (combining bits of old memory, giving them new life) “I don’t know him any more,” she says on the phone at the grocery. 2000 miles away, I listen. “I lock the bedroom door, and he’s throwing chairs. I can’t go home.” On the plane here from Oregon, each of us takes one parent and one luggage bag. We sit separately to avoid fights and keep our story straight. In desperation, I call the Alzheimer’s Association to ask what to tell them. “Therapeutic lies,” she replies. In the kitchen, things boil and cool. My mom stirs as I tell her my day. One night at dinner, she speaks: “When did we meet?” [....] INDIVIDUAL POEMS PUBLISHED: East on Central (Highland Park, IL), literary journal; print: —Spring Sacrament, and Mind in Flight, Vol. 13, Fall 2014. —Afternoon Redemption, and Book Spy, Vol 12, Fall 2013. —Oregon June ; Skipped Breath/Souffle coupé, Vol. 11, Fall 2012: 13, 90. —October at Starved Rock, Illinois River Trail; Over-Living,; Tenth Anniversary Edition, Vol. 10, Fall 2011: 32, 87. —Selected poems on DVD, 10 year retrospective, East on Central, 9/11. —“Spirit Lake,”; “Summer’s Haiku,” Vol. 9, Fall 2010. Highland Park Poets ( —Lying in Wait, Winter Muses Gallery, 1/14, with original photo (Bamboo in Winter) —Grounding the Artist, Winter Muses Gallery, 1/13. —Cavalry, Fall Muses Gallery, 10/12. —804 Trail Reprise,; Along the Bough, Winter Muses Gallery, 12/11. —“Poem grinding”; “Sudden Winds Blow,” Winter Muses Gallery, 1/10. —“Harvest,” Fall Muses Gallery, 10/09. —“On the Relationship of Parts to a Whole,” Summer Muses Gallery, 2009. —“Afternoon Break,” Winter Muses Gallery, 1/09. Exquisite Corpse, 1 poetic stanza, collaborative long poem, Highland Park Poetry, 4/12. Print. “Sudden Winds Blow,” 3rd place, 2010 Make It Better Competition; on-line: ; 4/10. “Gariwerd, Butteryfly Season, Australia”, In the Mist Mag, on-line journal, 4/09 (inthemistmag, no longer on-line). “Now, Again” (poem on the Lebanese-Israeli war); Peuples Monde Rubrique, “Chroniques Libanaises.” (August 2006). peuplesmonde/article.php3?id_article=488 . LHistoire en quelques mots, in La Cendre des mots: Poèmes et textes, après l’incendie de la bibliothèque de Bagdad, textes sur l’indicible. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2003. Print. “Promenade d’arrivée, included in Voyages en cancer, essay-journal by Evelyne Accad, Paris: Aloès Eds., L’Harmattan, 2000: 219-220. Also included in English translation of volume, Arrival, in Wounded Breast; Melbourne: Spinifex Press, 2001: 278. Haiku, one of 13 winners; Christian Science Monitor Haiku Contest (out of 400 contributors), Books, Christian Science Monitor, 4/26/01: 20. Selected poems in French and English, and Translations. In Collage and Tusitala. Lake Forest College literary publications, print and on-line, 1990-2013. Series of 13 poems: Matrix, Volumes XIII, XIV, XV, XVI; Urbana literary magazine, Fall 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991. TRANSLATIONS INTO ARABIC: April Showers, translated by Natik Faraj for Almothaqaf, 10/12/2012 (Original English text, in Outside-In-Sideout ) ------------------------------- Visit Hahns other pages on this website: HOME / TRANSLATIONS / EVENTS / CONTACT
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 07:39:04 +0000

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