Jesus Christ rules on earth - Revelation 20:4-6 v4 Then I saw - TopicsExpress


Jesus Christ rules on earth - Revelation 20:4-6 v4 Then I saw *thrones and those who sat on them. God chose them and he gave them the right to rule. Also, I saw the *souls of those people who died for their *faith. Their enemies had used axes to kill them because they had told about Jesus. They spoke the true word of God. These people had not given honour to the *beast or his image. They had not received the mark of the *beast on the front of their heads or on their hands. They came back from death. They lived and ruled as kings with Christ for 1000 years. v5 This is the first time that God will raise people from death. The rest of the people who had died did not live again until the end of the 1000 years. v6 Happy and holy are those whom God raises from death at this time. The second death that will come will have no power over them. But they will be priests of God and of Christ. And they will rule as kings with Christ for 1000 years. Verse 4 Many people died because they would not *worship the *beast. They had refused to give honour to the image of the *beast. They had not received the mark of the *beast. They had obeyed the *Lord Jesus. They believed and they spoke the word of God. God made these people alive again. They sat on thrones. These are not the only ones who will sit on *thrones. Some Christians who had not died for their *faith will rule the nations with Christ. The *Lord has promised this honour to those who overcome (Revelation 2:26-27; 3:21). Many people believe that all real Christians will receive this honour. Everyone who is a real Christian overcomes the devil. But they do not overcome the devil because of their own efforts. They overcome the devil because they trust Christ. Christ will rule the earth for 1000 years. Those who sit on the *thrones will rule with him. They will be the judges of the nations. They will live on earth for the whole 1000 years. Verse 5 These who rule in the 1000 years, God has made alive. Nobody else will live again until the end of the 1000 years. Then God will raise all of them from death and they will live. Then, he will be the judge of all people. Verse 6 God has been kind to those whom he raises at the start of the 1000 years. They will not suffer the second death. The second death means the lake of fire. They are safe and they will live with the *Lord always. God will be the judge of the rest of the people after the 1000 years. Only those who have trusted the *Lord to save them from their *sins will be safe. They will always live with the *Lord. But many people have not trusted the *Lord. And they will suffer in the lake of fire. In other words, they will die the second death. These whom God raises for the 1000 years will be his priests. They will know and serve God and the *Lord Jesus here on the earth. They will rule as kings with Christ
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 20:38:09 +0000

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