Jesus/Sananda - An Autobiography Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, - TopicsExpress


Jesus/Sananda - An Autobiography Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, January 7, 2014 Mother/Father God, as the Creators of this Milky Way Galaxy, were intimately involved at every step of the way, and oversaw the Project which was to bring the Christ Consciousness back to their beloved Mother Earth and her suffering humanity. So you see, there are no coincidences or accidents in the planning of events which are chosen to unfold on the planet. All is carefully planned, although free will on the ground does not always allow for the perfectly predictable execution of our plans. In this case, it took almost 2000 years for our carefully laid plan to come to fruition. My childhood and education was a happy time, a time of preparation and expansion, for I needed to become used to the experience of co-habiting in one body with two other intelligences, but we fell into step with one another as we had always done, and Mary experienced the same. My memory of my origins and my mission was not complete in the beginning, but it became clearer as I grew. I studied and traveled, but always returned to my family and my Mary. I felt such Love for my family and for my beloved Mary that our destiny together was absolutely clear. We were married in a joyful celebration in the bosom of our family in Nazareth, and began our life together dedicated to bringing Light and Truth to our world. Mary accompanied me on many of my trips to other towns, and our home became a gathering place for conversation. I did not think of myself as a teacher or lecturer. I simply shared the deep Love I felt for God and humankind. I knew the deep respect and affection of our Prime Creator, our Mother/Father God and the Ascended Masters who had been my friends and teachers in the eons before my journey as Jesus. I was absolutely certain that the representation of God as an angry and punitive judge was utterly wrong. I also knew there was no hell, no fire and brimstone, and no Satan. I wanted to bring the message of love and forgiveness to all I encountered, but early on I began to feel the intensity in the reaction from anyone who was close to a position of power or influence over others. Their resistance to my story of Love was clear, insistent, and based in fear of losing something they felt they could not let go of. This negativity was not limited to religious leaders of my own faith, who did not relinquish their image of an angry and vengeful God easily. Rather, it crossed religious and philosophical boundaries, and sometimes came from unexpected sources.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 22:29:03 +0000

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