Jesus is back up on the cross now ware he belongs. The Man who - TopicsExpress


Jesus is back up on the cross now ware he belongs. The Man who died for our sins. The Savior of our souls your mother isent hanging there eney more. She was hanging there for awile when I looked up at the cross. She is gon now she went back to ware ever she was befor I couldent see her hanging up on the cross some place I dont know ware she is at agen because thats the way she prefers it to leave every thing a mistery in my mind and a question mark in my head because thats the kinda person she is. Professing to know God with her lips but her actions proveing other wise differnt hiding her secrets from the world to make her self look like a little Angle knelling down befor the Spirit of God in frount of the hole church praying for her self and no one else looking like the little Angle in frount of every body when she is not pretending to know God when she does not. She knows of God but she does not know the Spirit of God personaly like I do other wise she wouldent be makeing the man of God the person that I am suffer the way she does not knowing ware his children are. She knells down befor God pretending to know God but she can not know God and confess her sins befor God when she is hiding the fact that she is makeing another human being suffer the worse pains in the hole world makeing some body miss there kids so bad that it is killing them and distroying them from the inside out and she is not sorry for what she is doing to me she enjoys it that is not the God inside of her makeing some body else suffer doing to me what thay wouldent waunt eney body doing to them makeing me a victim of her crulty herting me so bad in the worse way that she could and even brakeing the law to do it. Thats not the God inside her that is the devil inside her. How could she knell down in church and profess to know God when she knows she is herting another human being and makeing that person suffer. For it is writen in the Holly scriptures that the devil is even in the church. Well every one in the church should turn around and look at your mother and say stop herting that man the father of your children and let him out of that dungion you threw him in and locked the door leaveing him in there blind folded not being able to see his children like a blind man and not being able to hear his children like a deaf man not being able to talk to his children as if you cut out his toung to hid your sins from the people of the world and the members of the church who beleave in the Spirit of God how could you profess to know God and knell down befor God and pray to the Spirit of God when you have locked up the servent of the Lord and threw a bag over his head and poked out his eyes and cut off his ears and riped out his toung and you stabed him in the heart with the dagger of your words and challenged the God that he beleaves in witch is the same God you beleave in to do some thing about it then if your so mighty and powerful then lets see you stop me then if your realy there. The harm and pain I can inflict on others is the God that I wership the God of pain and suffering is the only god i have to share with people and she sits next to our children in the church of God knowing what she has dun to me and what she is doing to me and she lies to our children pulling a bag over there heads so that thay do not know what she is doing. I told your mother that if she were going to do that to me and she was going to harden her heart agenst the Lord Jesus Christ and I as a servent of Gods Holly Spirit that her heart would brake at some point and that she needed a change of heart and to soften her heart and find favior with the Lord and not stand up agenst the Spirit of God and harden her heart agenst the Lord but rather knell down befor the Lord and ask for give ness for what she has said to me in frount of our daughter and to take back her threets of makeing me suffer or the hand of the Lord would come apon her and crush her one day and all her evil deeds would be exposed and she would have to experence the shame of embarressment and even posibly worse because the God I beleave in will not let her get away with it forever and will stop her some how and I dont care what it takes to stop her and that at some point her heart just might stop if thats what it took to stop her and thats just what she would get for harding up her heart agengst the Spirit of God and her heart at some point just might stop and brake at some point and shatter into a million peaces from makeing it so hard agenst the Spirit of kindness and at some point her heart will become so hard that it will crack just like a rock and it will be her own falt and thats what she will get. I told her that God had a heart and that her words had no heart to them and to stop it and lets make up or change our words befor thay lock and the word lock seemed to put a smile on her face because she set her mind on herting me at eney and all cost to her and it was the devil in her that made her do it and I can prove it and I will. I have ben locked in this dungion and a bag placed over my head for 13 years what I need is for some one to call the president of the United States of America and tell him that a United States secret servise man by the name of Roland Guy Bessa has ben confrounted by the devil and that an attact on his family has ben inniceated and is excelling to the point of posibly no return that a woman by the name of Angelica Bessa who married United States Secret servise man Roland Guy Bessa has threatend Roland of never leting him ever see his children Summer Corinne Bessa and his son Guytono Abraham Bessa never agen and that she may be a posible threat to there lives because im not sure what she means by never leting me see them ever agen if she is going to kill them or what if she thinks I am going to get to see them and I feal like there lives could be in danger and I dont know ware thay are or who is around them or who could be spying on them and what thoes spys may have in mind if some one is spying on them. I need some one to call the white house and call the toll free hot line that is a direct number to a secret servise agent prepared to answer calls that is directed to the President of the United States of America and I need some one to make a report that two kids by the names of Summer Bessa and Guytono Bessa have ben kid napped by there mother Angelica Bessa from there father Roland Bessa who is a United States secrt service agent who works for the President of the United States of America and is part of the secret service that is desined to protect the president from harms way in eney way shape or form eney out side forses that may cause a threat to the life of the former President whom ever that President may be at this point and date in time. I am United States secret service man Roland Guy Bessa I work for the President of the United States of America rather he knows it or not is besides the point. The secret service is so secret that not even the secret service knows who the secret service is. Do you get my point if eney body out there is lissening it could be eney body. And I am a agent and a government official. This is a warning to the Presidentcy and to the President of the United States of America that the life of the President of the United States of America and or his family members or even the members of the United Government and its millitary armed forces may be in danger of a posible attack on our country and or its country men with in the United States this is a posible attack that may present it self perhaps and then perhaps not and this may be a false alarm but I dont know for sure but at some point this evil presents known as satin the devil shall strike agen at some thing in some fashion and is a demon like spirit that moves threw the air as thoe it was the air and it is a invisable spirit like being whos name is Lucifer the devil who has come down to the earth to steel to kill and to distroy the inhabbatants of the earth and this is no joke or even no jokeing,matter althoe it sounds funny and you can laphf at it if you waunt to but its not funny This evil spirit being is responcible for alot of damage. Pay close attention to what I am about to say rather or not you think its bull shit or not. The 911 attacks on the twin towers and the attacks on the buildings of the United States Government and its officials thoes members whos lifes are sworn in to protect the lives of others as there job state and nation wide threw the United States Fedral Government were not doing the job because thay wernt prepaired because thay wernt warned I did my job and flaged down two Elmonte police officers and told them that thay were going to place an attack on the white house the pentigam and the twin towers and all thay did was laphf at me I told them to call the white house and warn the president of these posible bombings and all thay did was make fun of me and said I needed to go back into the nut house and get my medication thay asked me what kinda bombs are thay going to use and I said I dont know I think planes thay said when is this going to happen and I said I dont know the only thought that comes to my mind is 911 and thay said that was an emergincy number and I said I know and thay left me there standing there repeating 911 911 911 911 to my self over and over agen and thay thought it was funny I said go ahead and laphf now but when I look in the mirror im going to see the face of a country man who tryed to save his country what are you going to see at lest my concience is going to be clear what is your concience going to be and thay said thay wernt calling that if I waunted to do some thing about it call my self and I said thats not part of my job I did my job and that was to flag down the closes law inforcement officer and notify that person of a posible disaster and the rest is up to the law inforcement officer to do his job I am a secret agent and I dont work that way my burden is to take the burden off of my shoulders and put it on yours so that my concence is clear I dont k.ow if thay ever made the call but I dont think so how I new that was going to happen well thats my little secret now isent it thats why I work for the secet service and I am the secret service as a one not as a hole and I work alone as a one but as a hole its team work The letter T stands for Togeather Every one Acheaves More T.E.A.M. W.O.R.K. When One Receaves Knowledge As a one I work alone but as a team I work togeather with others as a one I am affraid that the devil this evil spirit is hideing in my wife and may come out soon and may try takeing the presidents body next or perhaps his wifes body or childrens body or some ones body next and make some kinda attack on some one or some thing next and I can prove it that it was in my wife rather or not it is still there or not I dont know or how often it floots in and out of her from time to time i dont know but I think its getting ready to make an attack and attempt to take the vessal of another human being and use that persons body as a wepon agenst some body or some thing how I know it was in my wife is because I talked to it and how it got in there her body I havent got around to telling you that yet but I will latter im tyerd and im going to sleep now if I die befor I wake I pray to God my soul to take amen and good nite to all and to all a good night.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 12:39:28 +0000

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