Jesus is greater than religion ! Jesus and religion are on - TopicsExpress


Jesus is greater than religion ! Jesus and religion are on opposite sides . He as man is God s work . It is the invention of men. He is healing, she infection . Religion tells you what you should do ... He says what has already been done. Religion says slave. He says, son ! Religion poe you in prison . Jesus removes you from there. Religion makes you blind . He makes you see. Thats why religion and Jesus are so different ! Religion is man living his personal interests within the religion. Christianity is God seeking man. That is why salvation is by grace , and I received forgiveness . Not because of our merits , but only through the obedience of Jesus. Why He received a crown of thorns , and blood trickled down his face . He suffered because we all deserved , I guess thats why we call grace . By being murdered he yelled , Father forgive them for they know not what they do . Why when he was on the cross He was thinking of you ! Religion killed , and persecuted , and still is so. X But Jesus came to bring life. The only religion brought and brings only judge X Mas Jesus came to bring relief, I think smooth. Religion only reported X The Word transforms . Religion imprisons X Jesus sets you free . Religion created , and creates wars X Jesus creates communion . Religion brings division X Jesus brings unity . Religion brings superb X Jesus brought upon humility . Religion is weak and human X Jesus is the only self sufficient . The religion does not lead to X Christ God leads to God , Christ is the door , Christ is the only way, no one comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ . Jesus came to do what ever , nor religion, nor men , nor anything that men believed they could do for them . Jesus the only begotten Son of God is come to save that which was lost , ie , man ! Jesus is greater than religion. Religion was a means that man has created to try to reach God , but it was and is today an illusion , religion can never do anything about man and God , religion is something earthly , something weak and involves many interests personal , social positions , involves much speaking , appearances , but in practice even those who thought they were great religious leaders lived . Jesus called them hypocrites , of breeds of vipers , of whited sepulcher , Jesus revealed that he might even look cute on the outside but were rotting in their interiors , the extreme point of religion is that so much piety , so much hope in religion , so much belief in religion, and religion just mowing many know the true salvation, that is , Jesus Christ the Messiah who was sent by the Heavenly Father to take away the sin of man , to justify man , to clear the man with his own blood , and throughout this work , not the work , but the work of God himself , it was possible that we were saved . For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost . Matthew 18:11 Salvation is in Christ Jesus , and only through believing in Him through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit is to walk in newness of life, that is , spiritually alive , not only alive , but alive in Christ today for good works , these works prepared by God himself , that is, the work we do , we do not because of something we choose to do , but by what God had already created that did it , this is important , because it shows us that the work is fully God , why are not saved by works , so nothing we can do , but rather , saved by what He has done for us ! This is wonderful because it leaves no merit come on man , in absolutely nothing but obey , just walked a path already created by Him , we are just driven by his Holy Spirit . All honor , all glory , all praise , all is Christ our Lord and Savior , Amen and Amen
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 19:06:25 +0000

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