Jesus let that relationship crumble the way it did because He was - TopicsExpress


Jesus let that relationship crumble the way it did because He was sad that you let a mere man try to give you the love that only He suffices in, you let a mere mortal take His place...that was His place, Jesus was suppose to be sitting on the throne of your heart not him. And so He allowed the enemy to attack your spirit.. but Jesus permitted him not, to do anything with your soul (just like with Job), or did you not know that it is Jesus who holds all things together? Even relationships. He wants first place back!! These men filled demons come around and make a mockery of you for not upholding Jesus as your first love and you fell victim but its okay be strong, dont beat yourself up, get back up... but all Jesus is saying, give Me My rightful place back in Your heart, it belongs to Me and none other. Therefore, Stop rationalizing the differences between a man and Jesus just because Jesus isnt here in the physical. When Jesus said He wants to be your first love He meant it!! In spirit and in truth. God is a jealous God is He not? Well Jesus said to His disciples in John 14:7-1 (NKJV) “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.” Philip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us.” Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Therefore Jesus being the Father is Jealous of you. You belong to Him! And shouldnt no man on this earth have that place in your heart or come close to it. Thats why its best to have a foreal foreal God fearing man, not those half steppers... because then when yall enter into a relationship together then yall can seek Jesus Together, but if hes a half stepping insincere Christian, first he deceive you and act like all about God too, but then everytime you show more attention to Jesus hell get jealous. And you desiring that affection from a man, from him, come running because you dont want him turning to someone else, you dont want to lose him. But then the demons never are always looking for a heart to crush so they can lead people away from Jesus because they feel ashamed or unworthy.... and so once you take Jesus off the throne of your heart what that man do? He do you dirty anyway, denies everything, but then later admits it but then blames you in the process!!! You see how them demons be operating!? Tell me you dont see that!? How they get you to take Jesus off the throne of your heart...?....only to leave you heart broken and miserable. And then they tell you lies that Jesus is disgusted with you because you knew you were suppose to keep Him first place but you didnt. But thats a lie!! Thats not the voice of Jesus youre hearing! Thats coming from the pits of hell!! That is not Jesus expression at all! Yes Jesus is hurt, but Hes far from disgusted. He just wants you to put Him back on the throne of your heart and let there be no one else beside Him. Because that same forgiveness that you showed though buddy turned around and did the same thing again (cheating, abusive, verbally abusive, distant) is the same exact forgiveness Jesus is displaying towards you BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU, UNCONDITIONALLY. And so when you confess to Jesus Hes just glad to have you back in His arms . Havent you read the story of the prodigal son? But yea though, Remember always to keep Jesus first place no matter who comes into your life because theres nobody who can love you like Jesus. I mean come on now, if you got grown men in this world crying over the love Jesus has to offer, crying because they hurt Jesus heart, how much more shall it be with the ladies? I mean Jesus is the man that you need in your life, He will guide you and instruct you into holiness, He will protect and keep you safe, while putting food on the table and groceries in the refrigerator, and providing jobs for you and future promotions, I mean, what man is there like Jesus? No one, exactly! Jesus loves you and He wants to remain first place in your life forever and ever, not just on Sundays. So please...Dont get comfortable and remove Him from off the throne of your heart just to have it walked over by someone who doesnt even know what to do with a heart. Real talk. And with all that being said I leave you with this: Revelation 2:4–5 Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent ~Sincerely yours, Jesus Christ, Your First Love.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 07:12:21 +0000

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