Join Patriots from around the country at the largest gathering of - TopicsExpress


Join Patriots from around the country at the largest gathering of conservatives in the western United States. WesternJournalism and The Western Center for Journalism are producing and hosting an important gathering of leaders and activists from across the nation. Conservatives will converge on the Phoenix Convention Center, for the Western Conservative Conference February 21st and 22nd. Grassfires Patriot Action Network endorses and recommends this conference for all committed conservatives. The Western Conservative Conference is delighted to present Mr. Herman Cain as our Keynote plenary speaker. Attendees will also hear from leading Conservatives like Actor Steven Seagal, Rocker Ted Nugent, talkshow host Neil Boortz, author and Wall Street Journal editor Stephen Moore, U.S. Representatives Salmon, Gosar and Schweikert,Tea Party leader Darla Dawald, and many other Conservative thought leaders. At Saturday nights’ gala dinner, you’ll meet America’s toughest sheriff as we roast Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Attend the Second Amendment Luncheon with special guests from the Arms Industry. You’ll attend panel sessions on Talk Radio, Media Bias, ObamaCare, Immigration, National Security, Fair Tax, The Tea party, book signings and much more. See all the details and purchase your tickets at Western Conservative.ORG . Attendees will take part in the earliest Presidential Straw Poll of the 2016 election. Help us set the pace and influence the 2016 presidential lineup. Saving our country starts at the Western Conservative Conference February 21st and 22nd in Phoenix. When we come together as committed Conservatives, we strengthen one another - innovative ideas are hatched, connections are made, networks are expanded. The Western Conservative Conference will bring Conservative thought leaders and activists together to meet, network, exchange ideas and embolden us for the tough decisions that will have to be made. Help us set policy directions and determine a strategy for the immediate and long-term future. Accommodations, speeches, breakout schedules, and other details are available at westernconservative Attend the entire conference and all events or purchase individual lunch, dinner or breakout session passes. Be a part of the strategy Be a part of the solution Be a part of the future The Revolution starts in Phoenix – Be a part of it. The Western Conservative Conference. More details and the event schedules are available at the web site Visit the site to secure your credentials right now! Visit Patriot Action Network at:
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 16:37:02 +0000

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