Journey of thee self: I know that there are some people who go to - TopicsExpress


Journey of thee self: I know that there are some people who go to religious texts on a regular basis to gain wisdom about their lives. I have never been that person, raised in a home that was deeply suspicious of organized religion. Ya sure im Catholic but never followed it a day in my life does that still make me a Catholic thats the question that leads to our beliefs??.. I consider myself lucky to have been raised in a way that left me unshackled from religious dogma or tethered to a religious institution. But an inquisitive mind also puts one on what, for better or worse we call a spiritual freedom, To believe in almost anything you want to believe in. I call it my monkey mind..... two of us that are within us...the experiencer of things, the monkey mind, the consciousness that is constantly feeding us information through our senses, our intellect...and the observer, buried deep behind the monkey mind that has the capacity to watch the bussiness in our heads, to step back behind and just watch, all that is being projected onto the screen of our minds. That is the great wisdom that underlies much of the new thought about consciousness...that there are, in fact two of us in there-one, out of control, spinning its daily dramas and one, timeless and immortal, quite literally walking us through the question of, who are we in a step by step process....I call the monkey mind. the monkey mind our inner roommate that quite often borders on pure insanity. I invite you to visualize to imagine the monkey mind as a roommate, sitting next to us on the couch, and asking us to consider how long this roommate would be allowed to live with us when considering just how obnoxious it can be. what becomes quite obvious is that we live with a crazy person in our head that torments us with persistent, meaningless, repetitive dialogues that ultimately blind us to what is truly real...the world behind all the stimulus in our heads. The inner voice that tells us what to do where to go and what to believe in... basically how to think react ect... In case you haven’t noticed, you have a mental dialogue going on inside your head that never stops. It just keeps going and going. Have you ever wondered why it talks in there? How does it decide what to say and when to say it? How much of what it says turns out to be true? How much of what it says is even important? And if right now you are hearing, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t have any voice inside my head this is pure insanity.. That’s the voice im talking about. If you’re smart, you’ll take the time to step back, examine this voice, and get to know it better. Its called self awareness If you spend some time observing this mental voice, the first thing you will notice is that it never shuts up. When left to its own, it just talks. Certainly this idea of “stepping back” is not new to me. Every mystical tradition in every major spiritual tradition has addressed it. The ancient practices of meditation and yoga have been taught for thousands of years to develop the skill to watch the mind rather than get caught up in its relentless fluctuations. The use of silence, koans, chants, dancing, mantras, prayer, fasting and other methods are all to a degree linked to this process. spiritual path. Avoiding religion does not make the ultimate questions go away, it just allows the mind to wander more freely in search of truth. Im 27yrs old I have searched widely to understand just what my niche is in the mystery called life. I have read a few books, sought out many spiritual advisors talked to many people about what the meaning of life really is. And in that search, Perhaps it is true that there is nothing new under the sun; that the same truths just get said in different ways that appeal to people at different places on the spiritual journey. If that is true, then it falls back on everyones right to believe in what ever you choose to believe in. Our life is our own based on a chain reaction of repeated belief systems that suits of own paths. - Cora Kowalchuk
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 18:16:11 +0000

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